Tuesday, July 17, 2012

21 Weeks!

How far along: 21 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Size of a Pomegranate.

Neat facts about baby: Her taste buds are starting to work! She's going to be a food lover like her mom ;) She is practicing swallowing and digesting by drinking amniotic fluid. She already has her lifetime supplies of eggs in her womb - that is crazy!!

Total weight gain: My weight apparently fluctuates like crazy. I weighed myself last night and I weighed 2 pounds more than last week. I weighed myself this morning and I was back down those 2 pounds. Either my body is silly, or our scale is silly.

What I miss: Still sitting down with a nice glass of wine or a beer. I have to stop watching shows where people are drinking. I just fill my champagne flute up with sparkling water, though, and I feel better.

Sleep: Ugh, it is sucking. And my hips hurt from stressing over only laying on my sides. I'm contemplating purchasing a body pillow to help.

Symptoms: Just some cramping, but they go away after laying on the couch for a little while. Nothing major!

Cravings/Aversions: I really want some pancakes...
Movement: She's still moving around, but not as much as last week. She must have found a comfortable position :)

Maternity clothes: Still not in maternity clothes, but my clothes are fitting me differently. My pants (the ones that are still comfortable) fit strangely, and I'm having to unbutton them while sitting at my desk. My shirts are all a bit shorter in the front these days ;) I'm wearing a lot of dresses to work, just because it makes the whole 8 hours of sitting down much more comfortable.

Best moments this week: Getting the box from my family filled with the adorable things in my previous post (plus a couple other things, like bath rags, that didn't make the photos), hearing that my baby shower date is set (October 6th!!), and ripping up the ruined carpeting in the nursery (thanks a lot, miss Ellie) to prepare for the new carpet! Nesting like a crazy person!

What I'm looking forward to: Getting the new carpet in the nursery, choosing a stoller/car seat combo - that is stressing me out so finally choosing will be exciting, and my baby shower (hey, I know it's a long way off, but I'm still looking forward to it!).

Milestones: Finally looking pregnant and not like a drank too many beers to went to an all-you-can-eat buffet.


  1. Oh dear I am slacking on comments (but not slacking on reading). HI LITTLE POMEGRANITE! I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU BABY SHOWER. I'm so excited I feel like Jesse Spano.

  2. Holy moly - I'm glad I didn't buy that x-tra small shirt!!
