Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh dear.

In regular Kaitlin fashion, I seemed to have abandoned a social networking site. I do this so often. Oh dear oh my I apologize.

So, I haven't blogged since Christmas. SLACKAHONTAS. Since then, I have eaten glorious food, watched phenomenal movies, and had an extraordinary visit from my family, who I already miss dearly. I will not babble on about what I have been up to, as it would be way too long and, well, babbley. Yes, that is a word in the mind of Kaitlin. (typing in third person is fun)

Sooooooo, it's a new year, and every new year comes with resolutions. Perhaps I shall list them? I don't really have any, let's just see what pops up in my mind.

  2. Go to the dentist, missy. (in my defense, I have made appointments with three different dentist offices in Tallahassee, only to find they do not take our insurance. I have a list in front of me now of places who supposedly will take our insurance. Fingers crossed that one of them really will!)
  3. Get some exercise in my life. Before I hear the, "gosh Kaitlin, you don't need to lose weight" crappo, I want to say that this is not a lose weight exercise mission, it is a get in better shape slash get healthier exercise mission. Fitness is good. Couch potato is bad.
  4. Find a hobby. Whether it's getting more into photography (please someone buy me my $700 dream camera), some kind of arts and crafts thingy, the exercise mentioned above (yoga?), reading (haha!), etc. I NEED A HOBBY. Suggestions???
  5. There is one I have, but choose not to list since this is a public blog and I do not what people to see it who should not see it. ~mystery. 
  6. Continue to be awesome at saving money / paying off credit cards!
  7. Hang out with both sides of our family at their beach trips. The Roses will be in Florida and the Brians will be in the Outer Banks. Our plan is to join both families for at least parts of their vacations. 
  8. Take a trip somewhere neat. The current plan is New Orleans, since it's relatively close to Tallahassee. However, if we went we'd want to stay in the French Quarter. HOLY EXPENSIVE HOTELS, BATMAN. This is a work in progress.
  9. Take the doggies on more walks; this goes along with the exercise thing, but also the Ellie-sucks-at-walking-on-a-leash issue.
  10. Paint the house, replace the bathrooms, find some neat art, etc. - this isn't really a resolution, but whatever, it's on my list.
My brain has run out of resolutions. Hmmm.

Welp, that was a good blog, huh? I do believe I will try harder to succeed on resolution number one and keep up this blog. It is a good way to stay connected with all of you, xoxo <3