Tuesday, August 28, 2012

27 Weeks!

How far along: 27 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Rutabega!

Neat facts about baby: She is breathing (it’s amniotic fluid, not air, but it still counts) and  showing brain activity.

Total weight gain: 14 pounds, holy crap.

What I miss: Red, red wiiiiiine. (meant to be sung)

Sleep: I wake up during the night and switch sides, and can usually fall back asleep pretty quickly. However, last night I slept terribly :-\

Symptoms: Pregnancy brain is in full force. Other than that, nothing (except sometimes I have to pee every five minutes; it depends on what position she's in).

Cravings/Aversions: ICE CREAM. I constantly want ICE CREAM.

Movement: My goodness, she has been moving all week. This may have been her most active week. Yesterday I was on the couch with a pillow on my belly and my laptop on the pillow and she kicked/punched so hard my laptop nearly fell off the pillow! I can see her moving a lot this week, and my stomach changes shape depending on where she is. She also now likes to wiggle while I'm trying to fall asleep, which is a bit distracting :) She's a wild thing! I read she may have hiccups which is what I'm feeling sometimes.

Maternity clothes: The pants are getting tighter and the shirts are getting shorter, but I haven't bought any official maternity clothes.

Best moments this week: All of her movement! And our birthing class; it was actually helpful and we enjoyed seeing the hospital.

What I'm looking forward to: I'm excited for the beach in September (may be rocking that pregger bikini look) and my baby shower in October. We should be getting our crib soon (YAY) and I just found out my grandma is sending us our changing table (YAY)!!!! Can't wait to set up the nursery :) :) :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

I am a birthing master!

Haha, yeah right. But I did graduate from childbirth class! Details for follow.

So, Friday was amazing. Well, after I left work at noon it was amazing, because I got to collect my [exhausted] hubby from the airport. He had been in California/Vegas all week, and I sort of missed him. He was absolutely exhausted, though, considering a screaming, kicking, punching child kept him awake throughout the entire Redeye flight. We went home and caught up and he snuck in an hour long nap before it was time for our first birthing class. We got some "hate nuggets" at Chickfila and then headed to class. We seemed to be the youngest there, I was one of the only girls who was not an elementary school teacher, and I had the smallest belly of the bunch with the latest due date. We didn't learn a whole lot the first night and poor Josh, who had been awake for over 36 hours at this point, was having a hard time staying awake. At 8, we headed home, I ate some food, and he collapsed into bed.

Saturday, we got up early in anticipation for our second day of childbirth class. We had some coffee, orange juice, and waffles for breakfast, and then headed out. We learned a lot in the morning, about different birthing positions, contraction timing, stretches, etc. We were in class from 9 to 2 (my attention span does not last that long, bwhaha) and then headed to get lunch. We ate outside with most of the other people from class and, of course, Josh got bit by a red ant (typical). He sprinted across the street to Walgreens and pounded three Benedryl. Luckily, the ant bite somehow did not affect him, but he got so sleepy. He managed to stay awake for our hospital tour, which was actually very interesting! We got to see the setup of the delivery room, which is really nice! And we got to see the postpartum room where we'll stay afterward. It was neat, because the baby stays with us the entire time (unless there are problems, of course). I always thought they took her away, but she stays with us. I like that :) Seeing the rooms made it feel more real, and it really hit me that, HOLY COW, I'm going to be actually giving birth to a little baby girl!! After the hospital tour, we graduated from birthing class and went home to relax for the rest of the evening!

Sunday, we once again had some waffles, orange juice, and coffee. We had a wonderfully lazy morning and Josh posted a few items on Craigslist (an old laptop, an old TV, and an old computer monitor. We ended up selling the laptop for $75.00! Woop, money! We just had a relaxing day and then had Zach and Karen over for dinner. We made some delicious steaks, green beans, and rice. The boys drank beer and Karen and I had "wine" (juice in wine glasses, bwhahaha). It was a good time :)

And now it's Monday. I hate Mondays. 

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!!! <3

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

26 Weeks!

How far along: 26 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Lettuce!

Neat facts about baby: Her eyes are forming and she'll soon be able to open them (blue or brown? probably brown). She has eyelashes! She's developing her senses, features, and talents. Her immune system is developing. And she's breathing!

Total weight gain: Ugh, I forgot to weight myself. I feel fat, though. My pants are not buttoning right, but that's probably due to the belly!
What I miss: Wine. After the terrible day I had at work yesterday I would have given anything to go home and relax with a glass of wine. Alas, I settled for Sprite.

Sleep: Eh, not too shabby. I wake up a lot, but that's all. Since Josh has been out of town this week Ellie has been extra cuddly, wedging up next to me to the point where she's nearly laying on me. That may be interfering a bit with the sleep this week ;)

Symptoms: Pregnancy brain. I swear it's a symptom. I'm forgetful, I cannot speak, and last night when unloading the dishwasher I tried putting the coffee mugs in the freezer. I have a headache today, which started yesterday (I almost typed "tomorrow" - see? pregnancy brain), but I don't blame her for that - I blame my office!!
Cravings/Aversions: Haven't really been craving anything this week (although sweets are still more than welcome at all times!)
Movement: She calmed down a bit this week; I'm thinking she found a comfortable spot :)

Maternity clothes: Rocking the belly band nearly daily. Which is good, because my pants are getting tighter every day :(

Best moments this week: Nesting more - it's fun preparing the house for her arrival :)

What I'm looking forward to: Birthing classes! This Friday and Saturday :) I'm also looking forward to the husband getting back from LA/Vegas.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Late-Monday Blog.

Ohmygosh, this work day royally sucked, I cannot even begin to explain how much it sucked, and I'm not going to fill my blog with suckiness. Just know there is a reason this Monday blog is later than usual and it's because work sucked.

So, my husband is currently in Las Vegas. I drove him to the airport at 4:30 Friday morning. Seriously, that is love. I went home after dropping him off and collapsed into bed for an extra hour. The animals and I then got ready for work (they were very confused by the lack of Joshua when I returned) and I got some delicious Dunkin Donuts on the way into the office. YUM! Work was work and I got off at 3:00, woop woop! I ended up getting some spinach-artichoke bite appetizer thingy from Publix for dinner, and it was actually quite tasty! The receptionist at my office loaned me a few movies to keep me occupied, so Friday night I watched "The Heartbreak Kid." It was okay; probably would have been more fun with someone else watching it with me, whomp whomp.

Saturday, I woke up early (thanks to the lovely dogs who were oh so hungry) and made coffee and waffles (frozen kind, don't judge). I then spent the morning nesting like a lunatic. I cleaned the dining room, organized the hutch, cleared out half of my closet to make room for Josh's things (the baby needs the nursery closet soon!), washed like a bagillion blankets, packed them into tubs, yadda yadda yadda! I then had lunch with my friend, Karen, at Hurricaine Wings & Grill. I had an amazing burger, nom nom nom nom nom! We then went to Kohls so she could shop for earrings. It was fun :) I spent the rest of the afternoon completing my nesting tasks, made mozzarella sticks for dinner (unhealthy, yes, but I was too lazy to go out and get something else). I lazed around for the evening, ready some "50 Shades Darker" (just as terribly yet amazingly cheesy as the first) and went to bed :) 

Sunday, I once again woke up early (thanks to the children, once again) and made coffee and waffles! I nested, relaxed, read, etc. until noon when the Thai place up the street opened and ordered some Pad Se Ew - it was delicious! I then relaxed around the house (I really enjoy doing that) and then headed over to Karen and Zach's apartment for dinner! She made me steak stir fry, we watched some Dane Cook, we discussed planes to crotchet the baby a kitty, and then went to Dairy Queen for some blizzards! It was a good time :) Ellie was not pleased with me when I came home and went straight to bed (she wiggled on the bed staring at me for a while before finally calming down).

I got my gestational diabetes test done this morning, which was not a good time, and then suffered through work (did I mentioned it sucked?) and here I am blogging!

Here are some pictures from the weekend that I have been sending to Josh while he's away! It's like a flashback to when we were living in separate states, except this whole 3-hour time distance is really confusing!

My nesting project of tub organization!
Me and the Ellie Bug saying hi to Joshua!

My feet are slowly disappearing!!!
How Ellie spent her weekend: "Where's dad??" 
The husband at Caesar's Palace!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

25 Weeks!

How far along: 25 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Cauliflower! (or rutabaga, depending on what website you trust)

Neat facts about baby: She has a sense of equilibrium and now has a sense of what is up and what is down (maybe she'll be more coordinated than her mom if this is true). She's growing more fat and more hair!

Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself once again! I did weigh myself this weekend and I had no weight gain since my doctor's appointment, but I don't trust our scale, not one bit!

What I miss: When my shirts were long enough to cover my belly.... oh, those were the days.

Sleep: About the same. I haven't been getting quite as sore, though. Maybe my body is getting used to sleeping on its side. I have been getting charlie horses nearly every night, which is kind of getting in the way of sleep.

Symptoms: Feeling great! My legs are kind of tired, though. I cleaned the rims on my car Sunday and thought my legs were going to collapse under me. They're still sore today.
Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream, milkshakes, frapuccinos... anything sweet and frozen!
Movement: My gosh, she is a wiggly little lady (like her big sister, Ellie). She's punching and kicking to the point where we can physically see her moving. Josh felt one of her punches and saw her moving this weekend, so he agrees now that she is definitely a wild child.

Maternity clothes: Still rocking that BellaBand! I got some comfortable skirts at Old Navy this weekend that will stretch over the belly :) I actually tried on a few maternity items and they were terrible looking (mediums are way too big for me up top and everyone is sold out of smalls; first world pregnancy problems).

Best moments this week: Seeing her kick!! Although odd, it was really neat!

What I'm looking forward to: Birthing classes!And touring day cares. My BABY SHOWER! I officially got invited yesterday (not looking forward to that 34 week pregnant plane ride though!)

Milestones: Seeing her kick - I'm beginning to think this whole "milestone" category is similar to "best moments this week" and will probably just scratch it, bwhaha!

Two photos this week: my weekly bump photo in the blue, and me being excited about my baby shower invite in the red (yeah, I wore the same skirt two days in a row - haters to the left) - I love how my fancy camera and my iPhone have completely different interpretations of the yellow in our nursery. Silly technology! (you can click on the pictures to make them larger; I had to make them itty bitty for the layout)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pretend this title is creative.

"Happy" Monday, everyone! As we all know, I am not a fan of Mondays, and there is nothing happy about them. They're a buzz killer.

Friday, I had the late shift at work, whomp whomp. Usually, I leave at 3:30 on Fridays, but every once in a while I'm stuck here until 5:00. I had the upstairs of the office to myself for nearly two hours. Luckily, the husband had a cancelled meeting so he showed up to surprise me with some Starbucks. He hung out for a while to keep me company :) When he left, I finished "50 Shades of Grey." Okay, seriously, I know that book is supposed to be all "serious" and "sexy" but, guys, it was hilarious to me. The writing was not good, the dialog was downright awful, and the sex scenes were just comedic. It proved itself entertaining, I suppose, and I'll probably get Josh to download the second book for me. Anyway, we had leftovers for dinner and watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad before bedtime.

Saturday, we had waffles and bacon for breakfast nom nom nom. We then set off for a day of productivity! Our original goal was to buy storage shelving for the garage. We went to Home Depot, checked out their shelving, and then decided to head to Chipotle for lunch. So delicious! We then walked over to World Market where I got some fancy sparkling soda stuff (I need some excitement in my beverage life since I can't have booze). We then went to Best Buy where we completed two of our Blu-Ray collections by getting the last season of "Entourage" and "Paranormal Activity 3!" Then, it was off to the mall for some "back-to-school" shopping for Joshua. He has a severe lack of casual clothing, since he wears suits to work five days a week. Most of his casual clothing is from high school and early college, so he needed some updating. We got him two new pairs of jeans and three new t-shirts. We are probably going to get him some new casual shoes, too, before he heads off to California on Friday :) We then went to Old Navy and got a couple skirts for me - comfy, stretchy skirts for my expanding belly!! We were planning to go to Lowe's after this, but were too exhausted, so just went home to watch some more Breaking Bad. Josh cooked some awesome steaks for dinner and we then finished season 4 of Breaking Bad.

Sunday, we had another productive day! We drank our coffee, ate our cereal, and then headed back out on our shelving mission! We went to Wal-Mart, Lowe's, and Home Depot, and decided on the shelving at the Depot. We went home where Josh opened the shelving packaging while I set off to clean the rims on the Jeep (holy cow, they were getting disgusting). Of course, the last item Josh pulled out of the shelving packaging was broken (so typical) so he headed back out to exchange it while I cleaned my rims. The shelving looks great in the garage, finally getting stuff off the ground! We rewarded ourselves by going to Hurricane for lunch (shrimp blt quesidillas nom nom nom)! Then we got some tubs at Target to store blankets and things in. I relaxed, made some cookies, and watched a live stream of the Olympic closing ceremonies, while Josh played some video game. We had some bratwurst for dinner and then relaxed until bedtime :)

It was a very nice weekend! I'll be on my own next weekend, as Josh leaves for Cali on Friday. He promises to bring me and the baby back some souvenirs, though :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

24 Weeks!

How far along: 24 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Size of a Cantaloupe. (holy cow!) Another website says corn on the cob.

Neat facts about baby: Her skin is getting pinker and more opaque, so she's looking more like a baby :) She's super long (like an ear of corn) and skinny (only one pound) right now... like her parents!

Total weight gain:Definitely forgot to weigh myself this morning for this part - oops :)

What I miss: Red wine, as always.

Sleep: Same... not great, not awful. I just try to switch sides often so my hips stop hurting so much.

Symptoms: I'm still feeling awesome! The belly is more rounded now and my belly button is still doing crazy things.
Cravings/Aversions: Craving sweets in general, nom nom nom. Give me ice cream!
Movement: Holy cow she's moving a lot... Josh felt her kick a few times while we were watching Breaking Bad :)

Maternity clothes: My BellaBand is awesome (it's the white lacy thing poking out in the photo below)! It's hiding the fact that my jeans are unbuttoned, bahahahaha. And, all of my shirts keep getting shorter as the belly gets bigger, so it makes it possible for me to wear them again without my stomach playing peekaboo. Pretty awesome :)

Best moments this week: Getting my BellaBand, which is becoming a lifesaver! Putting a fancy pants new fan in the nursery :)

What I'm looking forward to: Birthing classes! They start in September!! Choosing a daycare; although sad that she'll have to go to a daycare, it will be great to choose one!

Milestones: No big milestones this week, just the big, round belly!

Monday, August 6, 2012

It's raining, it's pouring.

 It's nasty outside; never nice for a Monday when I'm moody by default. Go way, rain!

Friday, I came straight home from work at 3:30 to hang with the hubby, who was home waiting for the AC repair dude. Our AC was clogged and leaking (it's in our attic, so it caused a rainstorm in our house) and cost over $100 to repair, whomp whomp! I then headed out, got some coffee at Khols, some food at Publix, and we had some tasty grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner :) We then watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad and went to bed amazingly early!

Saturday, we woke up and had some coffee, orange juice, waffles, sausage, and fruit for breakfast - DELICIOUS! We then headed out for a day of productivity. We looked at cribs and strollers at Babies R Us:

Current favorite crib: Davinci Emily in Cherry

Current favorite stroller: Chicco Cortina in any color!
We went to Michaels to get a new frame for our wedding guestbook (we had it hanging at the end of the hallway, leak from the AC was coming out of the attic, Josh accidentally slammed his knee into the frame while getting into the attic, ended up with a bloody knee and a broken frame - series of unfortunate events), went to Bed Bath and Beyond to look at nursery shelving (nobody has good shelving these days, yeesh), and went to Old Navy for about two seconds before evacuating due to crazy "tax-free" shoppers. We had a tasty lunch at a new sub place in the mall. We then headed to Home Depot to get new globes for our living room ceiling fan light (old ones were fugly dust collectors). We ended up getting a new ceiling fan for the nursery while we were there (old one was wobbly and unsafe). We went home to play with our new things. 

The frame should have been a piece of cake for me to put together. Nope. Apparently it wasn't made for a matted print, so it took forever to squeeze it in there. Poor Josh had an awful time with the fan. We had to go to Ace Hardware for a bolt that was missing, then we lost a screw inside the fan and I had to go there again for a magnetic screw getter thingy, and once the fan was all assembled and in the ceiling, the fan wouldn't work and we had to undo everything to discover wiring had come undone. Guys, it was awful. We were exhausted and ate some chicken fingers for a lazy dinner.

Sunday, we had the same amazing breakfast :) We then cleaned a bit and relaxed. We decided the globes we got for the living room fan were ugly so we went back to Lowe's for different ones. They didn't have the lightbulbs we needed, so we ended up at Home Depot once again for bulbs. I went into so many manly stores this weekend it felt like an episode of Tool Time. We had grilled cheese for lunch and just relaxed around the house, watching some more Breaking Bad. We were still feeling lazy and got pizza for dinner and watched the Olympics until bed time.

Now, it's Monday, and I'm not pleased. I would have loved another weekend day with the hubby. He's going to California to visit Doug in a few weeks and I'm going to be so lonely without him, wah wah. Who wants to visit me for a weekend? ;)