Monday, August 27, 2012

I am a birthing master!

Haha, yeah right. But I did graduate from childbirth class! Details for follow.

So, Friday was amazing. Well, after I left work at noon it was amazing, because I got to collect my [exhausted] hubby from the airport. He had been in California/Vegas all week, and I sort of missed him. He was absolutely exhausted, though, considering a screaming, kicking, punching child kept him awake throughout the entire Redeye flight. We went home and caught up and he snuck in an hour long nap before it was time for our first birthing class. We got some "hate nuggets" at Chickfila and then headed to class. We seemed to be the youngest there, I was one of the only girls who was not an elementary school teacher, and I had the smallest belly of the bunch with the latest due date. We didn't learn a whole lot the first night and poor Josh, who had been awake for over 36 hours at this point, was having a hard time staying awake. At 8, we headed home, I ate some food, and he collapsed into bed.

Saturday, we got up early in anticipation for our second day of childbirth class. We had some coffee, orange juice, and waffles for breakfast, and then headed out. We learned a lot in the morning, about different birthing positions, contraction timing, stretches, etc. We were in class from 9 to 2 (my attention span does not last that long, bwhaha) and then headed to get lunch. We ate outside with most of the other people from class and, of course, Josh got bit by a red ant (typical). He sprinted across the street to Walgreens and pounded three Benedryl. Luckily, the ant bite somehow did not affect him, but he got so sleepy. He managed to stay awake for our hospital tour, which was actually very interesting! We got to see the setup of the delivery room, which is really nice! And we got to see the postpartum room where we'll stay afterward. It was neat, because the baby stays with us the entire time (unless there are problems, of course). I always thought they took her away, but she stays with us. I like that :) Seeing the rooms made it feel more real, and it really hit me that, HOLY COW, I'm going to be actually giving birth to a little baby girl!! After the hospital tour, we graduated from birthing class and went home to relax for the rest of the evening!

Sunday, we once again had some waffles, orange juice, and coffee. We had a wonderfully lazy morning and Josh posted a few items on Craigslist (an old laptop, an old TV, and an old computer monitor. We ended up selling the laptop for $75.00! Woop, money! We just had a relaxing day and then had Zach and Karen over for dinner. We made some delicious steaks, green beans, and rice. The boys drank beer and Karen and I had "wine" (juice in wine glasses, bwhahaha). It was a good time :)

And now it's Monday. I hate Mondays. 

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!!! <3


  1. I am thrilled you are now an expert at birthin' babies! Just wait until you see how much fun it is.... I am baffled as to what "hate nuggets" are. Please advise!

  2. Haha, it's what we call the food at Chickfila after the whole scandal they had :) Hate nuggets and hate fries! Bwhahahaha

  3. I do not know of this scandal - Do tell!

  4. The CEO came out against gay marriage and donate millions to an organization that is against it, and there were people boycotting and everything - my Facebook was going insane for a week there with debates over the subject. They supposedly also have shady hiring practices where they won't hire gay people.

  5. Glad you and Josh enjoyed the birthing classes and the hospital tour. Exciting! Did you know Josh's Mom taught birthing classes when she worked for an OB/GYN?
    Re: hate nuggets and fries. I just read an article which verified the reporter didn't report accurately what the CEO said. It's unfortunate that so many untruths are circulated by the liberal media and we don't always hear the truth, but instead, their slanted opinion.
