Tuesday, August 14, 2012

25 Weeks!

How far along: 25 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Cauliflower! (or rutabaga, depending on what website you trust)

Neat facts about baby: She has a sense of equilibrium and now has a sense of what is up and what is down (maybe she'll be more coordinated than her mom if this is true). She's growing more fat and more hair!

Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself once again! I did weigh myself this weekend and I had no weight gain since my doctor's appointment, but I don't trust our scale, not one bit!

What I miss: When my shirts were long enough to cover my belly.... oh, those were the days.

Sleep: About the same. I haven't been getting quite as sore, though. Maybe my body is getting used to sleeping on its side. I have been getting charlie horses nearly every night, which is kind of getting in the way of sleep.

Symptoms: Feeling great! My legs are kind of tired, though. I cleaned the rims on my car Sunday and thought my legs were going to collapse under me. They're still sore today.
Cravings/Aversions: Ice cream, milkshakes, frapuccinos... anything sweet and frozen!
Movement: My gosh, she is a wiggly little lady (like her big sister, Ellie). She's punching and kicking to the point where we can physically see her moving. Josh felt one of her punches and saw her moving this weekend, so he agrees now that she is definitely a wild child.

Maternity clothes: Still rocking that BellaBand! I got some comfortable skirts at Old Navy this weekend that will stretch over the belly :) I actually tried on a few maternity items and they were terrible looking (mediums are way too big for me up top and everyone is sold out of smalls; first world pregnancy problems).

Best moments this week: Seeing her kick!! Although odd, it was really neat!

What I'm looking forward to: Birthing classes!And touring day cares. My BABY SHOWER! I officially got invited yesterday (not looking forward to that 34 week pregnant plane ride though!)

Milestones: Seeing her kick - I'm beginning to think this whole "milestone" category is similar to "best moments this week" and will probably just scratch it, bwhaha!

Two photos this week: my weekly bump photo in the blue, and me being excited about my baby shower invite in the red (yeah, I wore the same skirt two days in a row - haters to the left) - I love how my fancy camera and my iPhone have completely different interpretations of the yellow in our nursery. Silly technology! (you can click on the pictures to make them larger; I had to make them itty bitty for the layout)

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