Caroline's Milestones
My little lady is now four months old and has hit so many milestones ahead of the game. She can "sit up" (in quotation marks because she never stays up for long before beginning her gangster lean), she can "hold her bottle" (also in quotations because she drops it pretty quickly, but the effort and understanding of how it works is there), she can blow raspberries, she can hold toys, etc. The only milestone she might be behind on is rolling over...
...or so I thought. According to the lady at daycare, Miss Caroline is rolling from her back to her tummy, something I have never witnessed at home. The daycare lady says she likes to stay quiet when babies hit milestones while at daycare, because she wants to keep it a surprise for the parents so they think the first time they witness something is the first time it happens. She says she only told me about this, because it's probably time to move the crib mattress down a setting so Miss Caroline doesn't somehow roll or pull herself out of the crib. I super appreciate her telling her that, because I would not have known it was time to move the mattress down and Caroline's safety is very important. But, at the same time, I am sort of bummed I missed it. At least she hasn't (that I know of, at least) flipped from her tummy to back. But she has a ways to go until it's officially time to reach that milestone, so I'm not worried.
I knew when I put her in daycare that I would miss milestones, and I'm actually okay with thinking that the first time I witness something is the first time it happens... for most things. The idea of missing her first steps or her first words makes me really sad, though. I really hope those milestones are reached while both Josh and I are watching, and if they do happen at daycare I don't want to know.
We did hit a huge milestone last night, which is probably my favorite to date: she slept through the night! I feel like the most well rested mommy in the entire world at the moment. Usually, she wakes up between 2am and 3am for a feeding, which can often last up to an hour depending on her appetite. Not last night! She fell asleep in her swing around 8pm (I fell asleep on the couch around 8:30pm; it was magnificent) and Josh moved her into the crib around 10:30pm. I woke up at 5:30am this morning and realized I hadn't yet been woken up by sounds on the monitor. Even though the monitor told me it sensed movement, I still peaked into her room to check on her. Little one was happily curled up on her side in the corner of the crib (nowhere near where Josh put her down to sleep). I actually had to wake her up this morning to feed her before daycare. I'm so proud of her. I hope this becomes a regular thing :)
Mommy's Milestones
I have posted on here about trying to get back to my pre-baby body, which is still a goal of mine. I mentioned eating better and working out. Well, I have been eating better but still haven't figured out where to find the imaginary extra hour in the day to spend working out. I have been choosing healthier options (i.e.: instead of ordering a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit at Dunkin Donuts, I order the turkey sausage and egg english muffin) and trying to eat smaller portions. I am a bit of a pig and love food so much I just don't know when to stop. A lot of the time, if there's food on my plate, I eat it... even if I'm full. I just love food so much!
Anyway, I hit a milestone of my own this weekend. There is this pesky pair of size six (or four, I am honestly not sure) American Eagle skinny jeans that have been hiding away in my pants drawer since early pregnancy. They stopped fitting long ago. And I don't just mean "I can't button these" not fitting, I mean "I can't get these up past my thighs" not fitting. Guess what, guys. I pulled them out of that drawer this weekend, slid them up my thighs, and buttoned that pesky button. THEY FIT. I am so freaking excited about that. Now, I just need to work on that evil baby pooch...
It's strange, though. My clothes are noticeably fitting me better, but the number on the scale remains the same. I honestly do not care about that number (although, it is a bummer). I just want to tone what I have, and get rid of the pooch, before the beach in May and definitely before Barcelona. Spring is bringing warmer weather (except for today, brr), so I need to be better about walking around the block with my girl. Note, when I say "walk around the block" it's not like a city block; our "block" is 1.6 miles long. I just need to be better about going for walks and, eventually, even running around the block (I run like an idiot, though, so I'm not sure how realistic that goal is).
Yay, Caroline, for reaching those milestones and sleeping through the night!! Yay, Kaitlin, for getting into those jeans!! It surely would be nice if the sisters lived closer and could work out together :-)
ReplyDeleteThat would be SO nice!!! Little sister texted me this morning that someone in her office brought in cupcakes and she didn't eat one. We have a joint goal to be bathing suit ready by May :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll join in the beach body goal! On the other hand, my body ain't never gonna be what it used to be :(