Monday, March 25, 2013

Back to the Monday Update Routine!

 First things first: my baby is four months old today. A third of a year! WOW.

Gross, it's Monday. That means I'm at work. I drove Caroline to daycare this morning and she talked to Eeyore in the back of the car (her current version of "talking" is squealing, squeaking, and screeching). It was hard dropping her off at daycare this morning because she was so cute and so sweet all weekend.

So, let's make this one of my "Monday Update" posts. I haven't had an official one in quite a while! Obligatory: "Mondays suck" - okay, I'm ready to blog now that I have said that.

Fridays are my favorites because most of the time I get to leave my office early and go pick up my lady. Once I picked her up from daycare, we went to Homegoods, a local boutique called Loli and the Bean, and Fresh Market. She is such a fun shopping companion. She just sits in her stroller and smiles at me.

"Shopping with mommy is THE BEST THING EVER"
I got myself dinner at Fresh Market (Josh grilled bratwurst for himself) - chicken stuffed with portabello mushrooms and broccolini. I also got cupcakes because 1) I'm a pig and 2) I was hungry and I buy random delicious things when I am hungry. We came home to a fun Easter box from my mom, complete with candy and an Easter outfit for Caroline! We spent the evening eating, watching The Walking Dead (a series we recently started on Netflix; Josh loves his Zombie shows), and snuggled with Caroline. 

Red velvet cupcake... heaven.
Saturday, Joshua made us eggs and sausage for breakfast, with his assistant Caroline in her chair plane (this is what we call Caroline's high chair since it can fly from room to room. Get it? chair plane, air plane; I'm so clever). He then headed out to an archery competition while us ladies hung out at home. We played, she "talked" to her Memaw and Pepaw on the phone, she ate, and she finally nodded off for a nap

After chatting with her Memaw and Pepaw.
I decided to be productive. I have been complaining about the lack of furniture in Caroline's nursery (her changing table is overflowing with stuff due to the lack of surface space in her room), so I decided to take matters into my own hands. We have an old desk sitting in the garage, so I took it upon myself to move it into the house. Muscle woman Kaitlin carried it into the house, cleaned it, moved a super heavy chair out of the nursery, and then carried the desk down the hallway to the nursery. Holy cow.

I'm a BEAST.
Josh was quite impressed with my super human strength when he got home and saw this bad boy in the nursery. He was not impressed when I told him I vacuumed the nursery, since I accidentally had the vacuum cleaner on the floor setting and not the carpet setting. When will I figure out how vacuum cleaners work? Anywho, he shot in the competition and did really well. They didn't keep score due to the rain ruining the scorecards, but he had fun. We then went to Newk's for lunch, where I got my favorite salad ever (possibly second only to the Funky Chicken Salad at No Frill Grill in Norfolk). Look at this beauty:

After that, Josh and Caroline went to the archery store to do some stuff that Josh explained to me but I didn't fully understand, while I did some shopping. We then went to Target and then home to relax for the rest of the day. We watched more walking dead, I lined the drawers of the desk, and we ate random stuff for dinner (potato skins for me, nom nom nom), and I snuggled with my Caroline Quinn.

Sunday, we realized we had nothing for breakfast so Josh braved the rain to get us Dunkin Donuts. He offered to buy me donuts but I said NOPE and he got me a healthy breakfast sandwich instead (baby pooch, be gone!). We lazed around the house all morning and decided to go through some old photos that were in the garage. We sorted through, I took pictures of the pictures, and he uploaded a bunch onto Facebook. Caroline and I then played peekaboo and had an awkward photoshoot and it was loads of fun.

Awkward morning photoshoot with my love.
We then decided it was time for a shopping trip. I was once again hungry (shocker) so I got some tacos at Tropical Smoothie. They were actually quite tasty, with a mango salsa, but way overpriced. The tropical-ness felt appropriate for the heat wave that had swept through Tallahassee. Little one had a blast while I ate. She loves sitting on tables and was mesmerized by the ceiling fan.

Happiest little thing ever.
We then headed to DSW to look at shoes. Joshua kills business shoes so quickly. He found a pair on sale for $20 which will now be his standard court shoes. After we got him shoes (none for me, whomp whomp) we went to World Market to get colorful knobs to put on the desk, which will be a project for next weekend). We then headed to the mall to get Josh another pair of shoes, his fancy Kenneth Cole shoes which will now be reserved for trial days. Caroline was a very good girl at the mall, but insisted on being held. So, we pushed the shoes around in the stroller and held her :) What a goof!

Fun at the mall!
We then headed home and enjoyed some brewskies on the porch (the 85 degree weather was amazing). I then headed off to Kohls and Publix while Caroline hung out with her daddy. We watched more Walking Dead, Josh ate bratwurst, and I made some delicious salmon and broccolini (thanks, Jessica the Food Friend, for the salmon idea).

Okay, it took me entirely to long to write this and add all of the photos because my work computer is AWFUL. I would like to throw it out the window, please. I guess I should work now, or try to... this computer is making everything impossible. I hope everyone has a nice week! We all have short weeks, as even Caroline's daycare is closed on Friday! Enjoy your snow, everyone up north!

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