Tuesday, October 16, 2012

34 Weeks!

How far along: 34 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Butternut Squash.

Neat facts about baby: She is listening to my conversations. Oh, dear. I guess I need to calm down with the road rage and start calling people things like "silly meanies" instead of the alternatives... She is urinating about a pint a day. Umm, cute?

Total weight gain: Guys, let's just say I think I have gained more than 25 pounds, eek!

What I miss: I still miss wearing my wedding rings. I miss not changing twenty times in the morning because the shirt that fit a week ago now resembles a bra. I miss wine, but I get to drink it again (in moderation, of course) SO soon!

Sleep: Eh, I am actually sleeping better than a couple weeks ago, but not as well as I usually do. Oh, well :)

Symptoms: My legs and the bottoms of my feet keep getting sooo sore if I walk or stand for long periods of time (i.e. If I take a long, relaxing shower, my feet hurt SO bad afterward). I think they don't like all of the extra weight I have gained. Other than that, I feel awesome!

Cravings/Aversions: I am still just wanting sweets, although I try to limit myself to one sweet item per day. Like, if I have donuts in the morning, I'll skip on the ice cream that night. Don't want to overdo it too much!

Movement: She is still SO wiggly! And it's like all over wiggling. Sometimes it's near my belly button, sometimes it's further down, and she is somehow even punching my sides. I have no clue how she's positioned right now (she's supposed to be head down by this point) but I swear she has spread herself out like a freaking starfish somehow.

Maternity clothes: I still haven't bought anything but the BellaBand. I am trying not to buy anything that I won't wear afterward (I am not wealthy enough for $50 maternity jeans)!

Best moments this week: My doctor's visit on Wednesday where the baby and I received an "A+" - apparently my iron levels are so amazing that the nurse actually said "wow" after the reading. I don't know what, but I must be doing something right! Finding more items for the nursery, unpacking all of the amazing items from my shower, and cleaning baby clothes were all super fun activities. Josh thinks I'm absolutely nuts with all of this nesting, but boys just don't understand :)

What I'm looking forward to: Playing in the nursery some more!!!


  1. Have you told the doctor about your legs and feet (especially your feet)? I have never heard of that before! I can't believe you only have six weeks to go!!!!!!

  2. No, it's nothing extreme enough that I'm worried about it. More of an annoyance :)

    I can't believe there are only six weeks left, either - that's a report card!

  3. I think they are nine weeks now! BUT you should say something to the doctor about your feet!!!
