Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday, Monday, gotta blog on Monday.

So, this weekend was a nice, relaxing, quiet weekend, so there's not really much to blog about. But these blogs are a weekly ritual in a way, so I am going to ramble anyway.

Joshua and I decided Friday night was pizza night, so we went to Momo's (nom nom nom). We each got the buffalo chicken pizza which we have recently become obsessed with. It was amazing, as suspected. We then headed home and relaxed on the bed. Josh said he was going to take a quick nap, claiming his beer made him tired (we are so old). I then agreed that I wanted to nap, too. This happened at 8:30 (do not judge). I proceed to wake up at 10:15, sitting up, my glasses still on, with a sleeping Joshua beside me, and two dogs also passed out on the bed. Pathetic, guys, we are truly pathetic. I then grabbed my phone, sat in bed and played "Words with Friends" for a while, and then gave up and just collapsed into bed. We are 26/27 going on 86/87, I swear.

So, Saturday, I woke up at 6:30 because I just could not sleep any longer. I am such a cool kid. Saturday was an amazingly lazy day. I got a couple pictures printed of the pups (they'll go on our new bookshelves once the other one comes in), and then shopped around for frames. We grilled bratwurst for lunch, hung around the house doing lazy people things, and then grilled steaks for dinner (we all know the food is the important part of these blogs, bahahaha). We then watched "Wedding Crashers" and called it a night. Yes, we stayed up way past 8:30 Saturday night.

Sunday, we were more productive. We headed over to World Market to see if our bookshelves happened to come in, because we really want to set up the living room - fail, nope, they're not in... efffers! Oh well, the plus side of this is Chipotle is in the same shopping center as World Market, so a chicken burrito bowl was miiiiine! Josh was happy because Best Buy is also in that shopping center, so "Alien" on Blu-Ray was his. After all of this, we went to the mall, bought Josh some new black work shoes, got me some new eyeliner from the new Sephora, and then headed home. I made Josh stop and get me a  frappuccino... I got hungry again! Mmmm, chocolate. We then went home, watched Alien (I give it a 4 out of 5 stars - good movie, just too slow for my taste), hung out, did laundry, and ate grilled bratwurst again (nom nom nom).  Then it was a relaxing evening!

So, that's it folks... my unexciting, yet amazing, weekend. It's reaching 99 degrees here today; I plan to stay inside as much as possible.


  1. So on Friday night Josh took a quick nap at 8:30 that lasted until Saturday morning??

  2. YEP! I joined in, but played on my phone for a while and woke up an hour earlier than him. He had a really long week at work last week (worked until 10pm at home a few nights, had a jury selection Tuesday, and a two-day trial Wednesday and Thursday - I think he needed the sleep :)

  3. fan of 2nd breakfastJune 4, 2012 at 2:58 PM

    I approve of this blog post, especially all the food parts.
