Tuesday, June 26, 2012

18 Weeks!

Happy Tuesday! Time for another survey :) I have some yummy Dunkin's Donuts in me thanks to tropical storm Debby shutting our power off, so I'm a happy Kaitlin!

How far along: 18 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Size of a sweet potato. (Josh and I looked at sweet potatoes in the grocery store; they're big!)

Neat facts about baby: He/she is yawning, hiccuping (that's adorable), sucking their thumb, and swallowing! Apparently the baby is going crazy in there... twisting, rolling, moving, dancing, etc.

Total weight gain: We need to get a scale, haha! I will find out at our appointment on Friday :)

What I miss: Wine. Still. We were watching HGTV Sunday night, and in celebration of their newly-fixed house these people were walking around with glasses of wine. I called them a bunch of mean skanks out of jealousy, and told Josh it's not even that I miss wine itself. I miss walking around with my glass of wine. How strange is that? I guess I just need to drink everything out of wine glasses so I can carry them around!

Sleep: Apparently now is the time that I need to start sleeping only on my sides. Soooo, I'm going to try to start working on that. I tried last night and slept like crappo!

Symptoms: Just the growing belly this week! No more headaches or anything, and I have felt great.

Cravings/Aversions: I wanted a cobb salad from Baker's Crust so.freaking.bad. on Sunday. I talked about it so much I made Josh start craving it, too. And chocolate. I can't get enough of it! No aversions :)

Gender: We will know (hopefully) on FRIDAY!

Movement: I still can't feel anything. Josh keeps putting his hand up to my belly trying to feel; don't think he'll be able for feel for quite a while, though :)

Maternity clothes: Not yet! I looked at some maternity pants in Old Navy this weekend, and ohmygosh, they are ugly! Maybe I just won't need any ;)

Best moments this week: Telling my office (well, some of my office) was such a relief! It's an awkward thing to bring up.

What I'm looking forward to: FRIDAY!

Milestones: No big milestones this week, but there will certainly be one next week!


  1. HI SWEET POTATO! PS Hurry up and get huge! You pregnancy photos look like me on a thin day...LOL
