Monday, September 10, 2012

My weekend in a blogpost.

Here's my Monday Blog! Better late than never. We were out of internet all morning at my office today (I hate Mondays) and the rest of the day was spent working. Sooo, here I go!

Friday, we took the little Ellie to the vet for her shots (so.expensive.). She is a healthy girl, but a bit chubby (she has love handles), so she is now on a diet. She had a fantastic time at the vet, though. She loves the attention (except when they stick things up her butt). We then headed home and had lazy dinners/leftovers for dinner. Mine sucked, so Josh took me out to get some Dunkin Donuts to fill me up. Decaf iced coffee and a bagel, nom nom nom! We relaxed for the rest of the night; have to get all that relaxation in before the baby comes in a few months :)

Saturday, we had waffles, sausage, coffee, and orange juice for breakfast (so predictable). We hung out, then went out for some shopping. It was one of those shopping trips with no goal, just a way to pass the time! We had delicious Chipotle for lunch and then headed home. We watched "The Fighter" and then Josh cleaned the inside of the Jeep for me (he's the best) since it was covered in dog fur. He did an amazing job and it is now clean for our trip to the beach! I made some amazing skinny buffalo chicken dip for dinner and we watched the FSU football game. It was delayed twice thanks to lightening; Josh was dedicated and watched until the end, but I have up and watched "I Love You Philip Morris."

Sunday, we switched it up and had eggs, sausage, coffee, and orange Juice. My husband makes some awesome eggs and sausage :) We then went outside to put primer on my crafts projects! We then did more of that amazing relaxing and I worked on my crafts. It was so fun! Josh turned some music on for me and I painted, and painted, and painted some more. Once I was done, I went to Walmart to get some ribbon to hang the sign with :) I also grabbed a couple long dresses while I was there; who knew that's where all the cute dresses were hiding? I'm not ashamed. When I got back, I went to attach the ribbon to my craft and realized I glued everything upside down and the brackets were on the bottom. Soooo, the ribbon is not yet attached. Oopsies :) I wasn't super hungry last night, so I had some waffles for dinner, bwhahaha! We hung out until bedtime and then collapsed into bed.

Now, I'm waiting for Josh to come home with our pizza! Half pepperoni (for him) and half spinach and mushroom (for me). Yummmmm!

Almost time for THE BEACH!!!!! Woop woop :)


  1. When it comes to doing a craft project not quite right, I don't think pregnancy has anything to do with it - I think you are your father's daughter!! :-)

    Can't wait to see you on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Haha, I am definitely my father's daughter! I was sooo proud of my craft. I went to pick it up to show Josh and as soon as I saw the back I had an "oh crap" moment. He just laughed and said we could fix it; I think he's used to my silliness by now :)

    I'm excited to see you guys!!! I have to make sure to wear a shirt, not a dress, so you can see my belly in person without me having to flash my panties to the world!
