Tuesday, September 18, 2012

30 Weeks!

How far along: 30 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Cucumber.

Neat facts about baby: Her eyesight is developing; hopefully she's blessed with her dad's eyesight and not her mom's blindness. Her skin is getting smoother and her brain is getting wrinklier (that's odd) to make way for all the essential brain tissue. She's now strong enough to grasp a finger, awww :)

Total weight gain: I'm at the beach and don't have access to a scale, so noooo clue.

What I miss: Yep, still buttoning those pants! And wine. Everyone is drinking wine at the beach and I'm so jealous; my Fresca was consumed out of a wine glass last night so I didn't feel left out.

Sleep: Terrible. I'm waking up constantly! And I keep rolling onto my back while asleep, which I shouldn't be doing. But yeah, sleep is sucking!!

Symptoms: Clumsiness. I read this is normal because my center of gravity is off. I'll be standing still and have to catch myself from falling over. Of course, I am always clumsy, so I'm used to that :) I get a crampy stomach from time to time which isn't so nice, but oh well. My legs are getting tired easily, probably from this extra weight I have never had to carry around.

Cravings/Aversions: Not craving anything specific, but I always want to eat. Increased appetite like whoa!

Movement: Oh yes, she's moving a lot! She'll stop moving for a while and I'll get worried and then she'll punch me to let me know she's still chillin' in there :)

Maternity clothes: The jeans are no longer able to button, so long shirts are a necessity. My mom got me so pregger-friendly beach dresses/tops that I have been wearing while on vacation, which is working out nicely. The BellaBand is still my savior :)

Best moments this week: VACATION! Seeing all the parents has been nice. I didn't get to see my parents for long enough, only 3 hours, but I'll get to see them again very soon!! Also, tons of random strangers at the beach congratulating us has been fun (although some have been a bit creepy because they STARE at my belly). I thought one lady was going to be the first stranger to touch my belly without permission but she seemed to stop herself before she made contact; I didn't like her. My mom brought us two tubs filled with mine and my sister's baby clothes, which I can't wait to go through when we get back to Florida.

What I'm looking forward to: Not looking forward t leaving the beach tomorrow, but I am looking forward to painting the shelf this weekend and probably assembling the crib the weekend after that! And my baby shower is soooo soon; I can't wait for that!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you let me touch your belly! I feel privileged :-) I can hardly wait to see you and Caroline again!!!!!!!!!!
