Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Humpity Hump Hump Day!

Happy Wednesday, my lovely readers! I'm stuck at work on this gorgeous day; simply terrible. But I have decided to brighten my day by blogging! Knowing the coolest people I know read my blog makes me happy :)

I have absolutely nothing interesting to write about, sadly, so please do not expect a very exciting blog. Hmm, what has happened since I last typed in this box? Well, I worked yesterday (yawn!) and came home to the husband, who was a good house-boo that day; he did laundry, did the dishes, cleaned around the house, and made me spaghetti for dinner :) Me gusta! I watched Glee (although, honestly, the show is not that great), New Girl ( and sadly fell asleep during Raising Hope. My life is super exciting, guys! SUPER exciting! Today has been unpleasantly uneventful. It has mostly consisted of me sitting at my desk, staring at my computer monitor, and wishing I was somewhere else.....

....... Speaking of somewhere else, I will be in Virginia oh so soon for Thanksgiving! My heart is very happy about this :) Hopefully we'll be driving up on Tuesday and I can say hellooo to my family and friends! The pups will be making the trip with us; last time they came to VA Ellie was only 8 weeks old. You guys aren't even going to recognize the little lady :) Mr. Wrangler is still as studly as always.

I got some birthday cards in the mail on my birthday, which made me super happy! Got a card from Nanny, a card from the Brians, and a card from Miss Holly containing a pair of football tickets that I am very excited about!! :)

Alas, I do believe I have run out of things to say. Love you all, as always! xoxo <3

1 comment:

  1. I will not start counting the days until your arrival until I come back from vacation on Friday, 11/18, then there won't be many days to wait!!!! :-) :-) :-)
