Monday, November 14, 2011

Funnel Cakes are delicious.

Happy Monday, folks! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was quite nice. Let me blog about it!

Friday night the husband took me out for an Outback feast! We ate at old person dinner time, but didn't have to wait for a table! It was deeeelicious :) Then, we ventured out for the most amazing thing ever: The complete Harry Potter series on Blu-Ray. Wal-Mart didn't have it, Best Buy didn't have it, Target across town didn't have it, BUT the Target right across from our neighborhood had it! Turns out we drove all over town when our prize was just across the street. It was on sale because of opening day and we had a $25 Target giftcard from the Brians, so it was quite the amazing purchase! So, we went home for a "Harry Potter Marathon" which consisted of watching the first movie and going to bed, bwhahahahahhahahaa!!!!!!!!!!! 

Saturday was a good day :) I spent most of my day shopping around town with my Birthday money from Nanny! I never shop for myself, since we're still in poor person mode thanks to the townhouse, so it was a joyous occasion! However, I suck at shopping and it was a difficult quest. I ended up getting two tops at Kohls and will be searching for the perfect pair of brown flats this week (thanks, Ellie, for chewing mine up). Soooo, after my shopping mission, it was time for the FSU game! The game was soooo loooong, but they beat Miami, so it was worth it! We were going to go the fair after the game, but it was too cold (mid-50s is too cold for fair fun!), so we watched what we thought was the 2nd Twilight movie...... nope, I discovered this morning that we had watched the 3rd one. No wonder we were so confused the whole time, we missed an entire movie! Ugh. Tonight, we go backwards and watch the 2nd one. I'm invited to go to the premier of the 4th movie this weekend, soooo I have to get caught up!

Sunday started off rough; I woke up with a nasty headache, rawr! Luckily, some meds, a shower, coffee, and cereal were the perfect combination to kill that sucker. Joshua was a good husband and went out to get the Sunday paper so I could have my first coupon clipping mission. Dude, it was fun! I'm signed up for this website,, that sends you an email every time your selected stores put out their weekly ads. It links up all items that have coupons for extra savings, and even links you to the coupons or tells you they're in the Sunday paper. I've been using this for a few weeks now and it's awesome! Last Thursday, I saved $17.00 at Publix, and only paid $15 - for that I got SO MUCH stuff! It's fun to save money :)

Anyway, after my coupon clipping adventure, it was off to a day of fun! First, it was a pizza date at Momo's with Karen and Zach! I actually got a stuffed portobello mushroom (I don't really like pizza, eek), which was delish! After that, it was off to the fair! It was in Sketchville, Florida, sooo there were strange people all around, but the four of us had fun! We rode rides, ate funnel cakes, saw awesome animals, read strange 4H poems, visited the freak shows (they went in and reported back to us; we were out of money, boo!). It was a great time! We spent entirely too much money (I miss the days where the rides were unlimited, and not $4 for a ride on the swings!), but it was super fun!! Picture time :)

Welp, hi ho hi ho, it's off to work I go...

Oh wait, one more thing! My "Little Girl" is six months old:

Ugh, I love that little thing!


  1. ummmm what do you mean you don't like pizza? YOU ALWAYS EAT PIZZA. I'm CALLING YOUR BLUFF.

  2. Dear Anonymous Bluff Caller,

    I do eat pizza! However, it is never really my food of choice. I tend to order pastas, wings, or salads at pizza places instead of actual pizza. I think it goes along with my dislike towards bread. Bwhahahahaha!!! However, every once in a blue moon (Mmm, I want a Blue Moon, slurp, slurp!), I will NEED A PIZZA. Just not very often.

    <3 thanksbye.



  5. Did Elly chew up the adorable light brownish color flats you often wear with jeans? Who left them out where she could get to them? ;-)

  6. Yes, my Aerosole ones :( She escaped from the bathroom one day while we were at work and had a chewing party on her new favorite couch with those shoes and my gray slippers.

  7. Wellllllll, maybe you should actually put your things away just in case things like this may happen...
