Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Helloooo there, November!!

I hope everyone had a lovely Halloween :) We had 17 trick-or-treaters (yes, I kept count). I discovered a couple things last night: 1. I get abnormally excited whenever a trick-or-treater arrives to the house... like, jump up and down clapping excited, 2. I am way too generous with candy... like, "here, have a handful of our overpriced candy" generous, and 3. I'm so jealous of the trick-or-treaters and wish I was walking around the neighborhood, too. Josh and I had fun handing out candy. We had our pumpkins lit up and Addams Family on our TV. The poor dogs were not so thrilled with the random, miniature people constantly ringing our doorbell. Poor Ellie was walking around whining; I think she was scared. Silly Elle-bug :)

It's officially my birthday month!! The ending of a quarter-century is arriving in less than a week. Even though my 26th birthday is on a Monday, I do believe we will be celebrating it on Sunday the 6th. What's the fun in celebrating a birthday on a work day? (although, my office is ordering a cheesecake for my birthday SCORE SCORE SCORE). Speaking of birthdays, Ellie is almost 6 months old - awwwww!!

I shall end this post with a photo of me handing out candy:

(such a nerd)


  1. I really miss you :-(

  2. I miss you too!!! Pretty sure we're heading your way in a few weeks!!! :)
