Monday, April 23, 2012

"Happy Monday" is a LIE!

Anyone who says, "Happy Monday," is full of bologna. There is no such thing. Okay, maybe last Monday was a happy one because I was on vacation and far from the office, but this Monday is not happy. Here I was having a lovely, relaxing weekend, and Monday, once again, so rudely interrupts it. So, "Lousy Monday, guys!!!"

Actually, this weekend was kind of bleh. I had an obnoxious headache which showed up Friday afternoon and didn't peace out until late Monday morning. It kind of put a damper on an otherwise nice weekend.

Friday, I went straight home after work and collapsed on the couch, surrounded by four very concerned pets. Josh was a good husband and picked up dinner on his way home - spinach and feta pizza, nom nom nom. We watched "Hot Tub Time Machine," which was actually pretty awesome! And then, my headache won the battle, and it was off to bed at 9:30 for this cool kid.

Saturday, I woke up with the same exact headache in the same exact spot; effer! However, I refused to let it win again, so I went on with my day. We had a Chipotle lunch, and then headed to the movies to see "Cabin in the Woods." It was pretty awesome. We went in completely cold, knowing nothing about the movie, not having watched any trailers, because we were told that was the best way to see it. It was nothing like we had expected, and was totally awesome. I ate a bag of sour patch kids during the movie; that was awesome. Then it was back home for some awesome laziness as, of course, the headache returned! We had a lazy dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup, and spent the night watching "Hardcore Pawn." Note: do not fall asleep on the couch with a headache while watching this show. I had dreams all night where I was trying to pawn my headache. It was a lousy night sleep, bahaha! 

Sunday, I realized that trying to pawn my headache in my dreams must have been unsuccessful, as I woke up with the same headache. RAWR! It finally went away mid-morning and I went on with my day. VICTORY! We had more pizza for lunch, had a relaxing afternoon, and ate some honey mustard fried onion chicken and brussel sprouts for dinner; always a tasty meal :) I watched the first few episodes of "One Tree Hill" on Netflix, and it is just as awesomely angsty as I had remembered. Then it was "Once Upon a Time" time and it was AWESOME.

And now I'm here. At work. Womp womp!


  1. FOOD FRIEND NOM NOMApril 23, 2012 at 3:17 PM

    OMG I love that you were trying to pawn your headache! XOXO

  2. FOOD FRIEND BACK FOR SECONDSApril 23, 2012 at 3:19 PM

    PS I love that in your profile picture, you and Ellie are wearing matching necklaces

  3. Dude, I seriously had ongoing dreams all night about pawning my headache. I have issues.

    Awww, I never noticed that our necklaces matched; we're styling ladies!

