Monday, April 29, 2013

Where did the weekend go?

Seriously, guys. How is it already Monday? We were a bunch of zombies this morning and so not ready to start the work week. Even Miss Caroline was a sleepyhead and wanted to go back to bed. Alas, I am at work, Josh is at work, and she is at daycare.

We all had an amazing weekend!! I loved getting off work early on Friday, as it means I got to pick my baby up early from daycare. We enjoyed the weather on the front porch until her daddy got home from work. She had her bottle, and I had mine. One was formula and the other was beer; I'm sure you can figure out who had which! We watched Netflix and just enjoyed the sunshine.

Snuggling on the porch with mommy.
We went on a family shopping adventure on Saturday, going to World Market, Best Buy, and Babies r Us. Miss lady was a good girl during the shopping adventure, but she got pretty fussy in the Babies r Us parking lot, so she had her lunch in the car. Saturday was a big day for her; see her "weekend achievement" list below to see why! 
After splish splashing in the bath!
We went for a long walk around the neighborhood on Sunday, which was the perfect way to enjoy the gorgeous weather. Josh and I could have kept walking, but the dogs were getting hot and tired and we didn't want Caroline to get too much sun. We walked about 2.75 miles, so that's not too shabby. I have dropped a couple pounds on the scale since last week, so hopefully this diet and exercise are paying off and it's not just the scale being silly. We had a great lunch at Momo's on Sunday. Josh had pizza and I had smoked wings with celery and carrots, and a delicious brewsky! Caroline loved sitting outside and stared at the trees in amazement.

No, that is not her beer.
So, she has been hitting milestone after milestone these days, and I swear she learns something new daily. Here is just a sampling of this weekend's achievements: 
  • She ate APPLES! She actually really enjoyed them, a lot more than the rice cereal. She actually started opening her mouth for the spoon, and a couple times ate the entire bite without half of it ending up on her chin. It was absolutely adorable and I am so proud of her.
nom nom nom nom nom APPLES!!!
  • She has started imitating our movements. We were playing in her activity saucer and I started "dancing" to the music by moving my arms around. She would watch me until I stopped, and then start waving her arms around. Saturday night, she was in her swing and I was on the couch. She was staring at me (one of her favorite past times), so I waved at her. When I was done waving, she lifted her arm and started trying to wave back. Josh then waved at her, too, and she waved back at him!
  • We worked more on her standing because she really enjoys it. We got out a storage tub and draped quilts over it to soften the corners. She stood on her own (with a few "falls" - I of course caught her before she actually hit the ground) for a very long time, filled with grins, giggles, and squeals of delight. I swear she is going to be walking before she crawls.
  • She rolled over from her tummy to back multiple times. She still kind of struggles with this, because she can't seem to get her arms out of the way. But, I propped her up on her elbows and Josh laid on the floor next to her, and she flipped herself around to get him. She was so proud of herself!
  • We officially moved her highchair into a "big kid setting" meaning it's nearly upright, because she loves sitting up. We, of course, have to buckle her in all of the time now, because she tries to grab her feet constantly, and that would be a disaster if she was not bucked. I think she loves this new setting and feels like a big girl.
  • I believe she has officially become a side sleeper. Our doctor says as long as we put her to sleep on her back, it's fine if she rolls herself into a more comfortable position, so that's what we do. Every time I placed her in her crib this weekend, I put her on her back. She would immediately kick her legs up and roll onto her side. Sometimes she'll lay there for a few minutes chewing on her fingers before drifting off to sleep. At around 3am this morning, after I fed her, she flipped onto her side and immediately began to snore (yes, snore, she is very congested right now, poor thing).
  • She played in the activity saucer for thirty straight minutes, meaning she supported her head comfortably for that long, and most of the time stood with very little support. She had a blast!
Her daddy took her to daycare today and is going to try to pick her up early to hang out with her. She loves showing off her daddy to her daycare friends :) 

PS: Monday, you stink.


  1. Weekends are NEVER long enough. My grandbaby is ALWAYS adorable. Can't wait to HUG both of you. Can't wait to test the local Hilton Head cuisine with the my FAMILY!

  2. Agreed.
    We can't wait to hug you.
