Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Road Trip!

This weekend our little family took a roadtrip to Clearwater, Florida. The furry members of our family stayed behind. It was a fun weekend... until you get to paragraph #7. I will leave you in suspense until then.

The trip down wasn't bad at all. I sat in the back with Caroline the entire time, so she could get a bottle whenever she needed one. She slept for about two hours of the trip and only got fussy about half an hour before we got to Clearwater. What calmed her down? Disney videos on my phone. She loves The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King. She would cry every time I took the phone away to pull up a new video.

Once we got to Clearwater, Caroline saw her great grandma, and met her great grandpa and uncle. She adored everyone; I think the feeling was mutual :) We ate some delicious baked spaghetti, and hung out until bedtime.

Saturday, we woke up and ate eggs and sausage. Then, Josh, Caroline and I joined Mike at the Tampa Bay Buccaneer training camp. Caroline had so much fun watching the football players. She had more fun watching (more like creeping on) the five-month-old little girl behind us. Her first football experience was definitely a success; I know her uncle was thrilled.

After that, we went to Clearwater Beach. I had never been there, and it's really nice! The area reminds me a lot of Virginia Beach. There's no boardwalk, but the streets and stores were a lot like Virginia Beach. Caroline had A BLAST. Unfortunately, my camera decided to break as soon as we got to the water, so I only got a couple pictures. Luckily, Mike took some pictures with his phone. Caroline had a blast playing in the surf with her daddy. She took some dips in the water, as well (mostly to wash the sand off of her) and LOVED playing with the sand. Luckily, none of it ended up in her mouth. She had an absolute blast. Unfortunately, we didn't get to stay very long; didn't want a lobster baby!!

Later in the day, we went to Josh's Aunt and Uncle's house for a nice gathering. I had a delicious strawberry daiquiri! Caroline got to go swimming with her daddy and uncle and had SO MUCH FUN. She is such a water baby. They just pushed her all over the pool in her baby float and had a grin on her face the entire time. She also LOVED their two American Bull Dogs and kept smashing her face into theirs. She is a fearless little thing! We had a great time hanging out. They made delicious food and the company was great.

You know that not so fun thing? This is the paragraph where it begins. I left the gathering with Caroline early because 1) it was almost 9pm and past her bed time and 2) I felt like absolute crap. We got back, it took her forever to go to sleep, but when she finally did I literally collapsed into bed. Everyone else got back like half an hour after I went to bed and all was well. 1am hit, I wake up, I feel SO BAD, and had to run to the bathroom and, yeah, I got sick for the first time in recent memory. Like, really sick.

A few hours later, I'm sleeping and hear Josh run to the bathroom and, you guessed it, he's sick, too. He was back and forth between the bathroom for the rest of the night, so we of course got no sleep. When we had to wake up (due to a very happy, but awake baby) I felt better than Josh so I had baby duty. I felt like absolute crap, but he felt worst. So, he slept all morning (with frequent bathroom trips), while I did my best to take care of the lady while feeling ick-tastic. LOVELY STORY, HUH?

We said our goodbyes, and managed to make it on the road around 2:00. The trip was surprisingly uneventful. Caroline was, once again, amazing. I got my appetite back, so we made a pitstop at Chipotle. We made it back around 7:00, so we made great time. Josh fed Caroline when we got home and then went to bed. I hung out with her in the living room and we watched the Teen Choice Awards (AKA the TV program that makes me feel REALLY OLD) until she finally dozed off around 8:45. I then collapsed in bed and slept great.

Somehow, we were both back at work yesterday. I think we have concluded we finally got some sort of food poisoning from either beef jerky or lettuce. PS: I wanted to add more photos to this post but technology hates me! Oh, wellllll.


