Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Rare Outing.

We are trying to avoid taking miss Caroline out in public as much as we can (flu season is the culprit), but sometimes the outings are inevitable. This week's necessary outing: the post office. Josh is so busy at work that he doesn't have time to go to the post office, so it was an outing Caroline and I had to take on. Oh, dear.

The task was simple. Mail two boxes: one to my parents and one to his parents. We couldn't afford to get them much this year, but we did get them a little something. This task took three attempts.

Attempt One: Caroline and I show up at the post office at 1:31pm. Apparently they close from 1:30pm-2:30pm for lunch. Lovely. There's a line of people inside but we are locked out. We went home.

Attempt Two: Caroline and I show up again at 3:00pm. The line is outside the door. I drop most of my packages trying to balance them in her (lesson learned: use stroller next time). The second we walk in she starts screaming bloody murder and everyone stares at us. I then see my packages don't fit in any flat rate boxes and I'm too cheap to buy their boxes. Nope, nope, we went home. 

Attempt Three: We show up around 9:30am. We use the stroller. Line is nearly outside the door but we squeeze in. My boxes (reused Amazon boxes from my house) are already packed. We're in line for nearly an hour, but we got them mailed... SUCCESS! And every old lady in the place (it was mostly old ladies) loved Caroline because she had the hiccups which echoed through the quiet post office. They didn't try to peak at her, thankfully. She was shielded from everyone's germs. Attempt three was a success, YAY!

So, lessons learned:
Stroller is your friend.
Pacifier is your friend.
Preparedness is your friend.
Making sure baby has full belly is key!

Now we are back home safe from the obnoxious, germy outside world. And, hopefully, our family's packages will get to them by Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you should have tried a UPS store or a Mailing and Packing store like your madre goes to! I would think there was something like that in Tallahassee. After all, Tally has Red Coaches!!

    Excellent adventure(s), none-the-less :-)
