Monday, April 7, 2014

The Blog got a Facelift!

My blog had some recent plastic surgery; don't judge it (I'm lame, I know. Deal with it). It has a fancy pants new summery layout and some new pages! I created a favorite post page that lists some of my random favorites, vacation posts, milestone posts, mommy posts, etc. It was a fun page to create because it's always fun looking back on memories of the past. I have been writing this blog since 2011, so there are a lot of great memories documented throughout! I have no clue if my readers view my posts through the blog itself or through email, so if you never visit my physical blog you should swing by and take a look.

We had a wonderful weekend with our sweet girl. We all went to the park Friday afternoon, stayed in most of Saturday due to the rain, and made our way to her favorite park on Sunday. She went down the big kid slides at the park completely on her own. She's so big and brave, it's amazing. The funniest moment was her going down a swirly slide; she went down so slowly it was hilarious. She just had this look of awe on her face because I think even she was impressed by how big she is. It looks like our days of going down sliding boards with her are over, whomp whomp.

Guys, she's getting so big and so smart. Here are some of the amazing things she's doing lately:
  • She loves showing off that baby belly of hers. When you ask her, "where's your belly?" she promptly raises her shirt and points at her belly with such pride. She's obsessed with belly buttons, which is a bit odd, and loves poking both her belly button and our belly buttons. Goof!
  • She loves pointing out dogs and cats. A lot of her books have cats in them and she loves flipping through to find the cats; once she finds them she points at them and yells TAT TAT! Whenever we're out and she spots a dog and yells DAH DAH! and tries to hug and kiss them. Adorable!
  • I learned yesterday that she can say the word yellow, or in Caroline voice, "LELLOW!" We were reading a book and I pointed at a yellow page and said yellow and she matter-of-factly echoed, "lellow" like it was no big deal. Of course I freaked out excited and she looked at me like I was a looney toon.
  • She knows Ellie's name and loves calling her (EYAY is kind of what it sounds like). Ellie is undoubtably her best friend. Caroline hugs her, kisses her, reads books to her, and Ellie is so good with her. Wrangler is still a jerk to Caroline, but we're working on his manners. Both of the cats are wonderful with her, even Tollie!
  • She's a dancing machine these days. She looks around for her toys that play music and dances to them. I sing to her during diaper changes so she can clap along and "sing" with me. She sings in the backseat of the car, too. The lyrics to ever song are either "BABABABAAA" or "LALALAAAA."
  • She gives fantastic hugs and wonderful "kisses." Her kisses are basically her drooling on us and going "MUAHHH" because I think I accidentally taught her that ever kiss involves going "muah!" Hopefully she grows out of that before she starts dating ;) She even tried kissing my parents over webcam this weekend by going "MUAHHH." Sweetheart.
  • She is obsessed with "nakie baby time" (bathtime). We usually bathe her after dinner and the word "nakie" cannot be spoken until dinner is over. When she hears the word "nakie" she toddler-runs down the hallway straight toward the bathtub and begins trying to strip her clothes off. IT'S SO CUTE, YOU GUYS. She loves baths and would spend all day in there if given the choice.
She's doing so much more, too, but those are some of my favorite things!

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