Monday, April 21, 2014

I like Easter because it rhymes with Feaster.

And I'm a feaster, so Easter is the BEST.

My first Easter activity this year was hard boiling eggs for Caroline to dye at school. Any one can boil an egg. Like, seriously. It's the easiest thing you can do. No. No it's not. It's the easiest thing to do when you're going to eat the egg. But when that shell cannot crack because it's meant to be dyed? No. Just no. Guys. It took me over an hour (an HOUR) to hard boil three, yes three, eggs. They kept cracking. Ugh, eggs. EGGS. They're mean. 

With that being said, I guess I didn't screw up because no one sent a note home that said, "woman, learn to hard boil an egg."

On Thursday, Caroline had her Easter party at school. Josh and I were both able to go (YAY) and she was so happy to see us both. First on the Easter party agenda: the dreaded Easter Bunny. He (well, she, because we know who was in there) came in the room and Caroline's face went from "oh my gosh my parents are here oh my gosh I'm so happy" to "what the heck is this evil monster." She wasn't the only one. Ever other toddler in the room was terrified. They all cried. It was sadly wonderfully awesome.

Poor girl. All was well though when Caroline spotted the snack table. We had never fed her Cheetos  (I don't know how to spell that and I don't feel like looking it up, bwhahaha) before but oh my gosh, the child was obsessed. She kept going back for more and in the end was covered in Cheeto orangeness. Good thing we changed her into that pink and orange dress because she totally matched. She enjoyed walking around the room with her Cheetos. It was quite adorable.

Then it was Easter Egg Hunt time! Caroline's teacher made them cute baskets out of paper. Too bad Caroline was all "PAPER. MUST DESTROY." and ripped a hole in the bottom of hers. She did an excellent job looking for eggs and found a ton! However, every time she put them in her basket they would fall out of the bottom and get snatched up by another hunter. It was adorably hilarious! I'm so glad we both went and were able to watch her. It was fun!

We were planning to go to an Easter Egg Hunt in our neighborhood on Saturday, but it was cancelled due to all of the evil fun-ruining rain we have been receiving, so let's fast forward to Sunday, shall we?

My plan was to wake up early, make the breakfast casserole (which I was to tired/lazy to make the night before) and be the Easter Bunny before everyone woke up. Our dogs had other plans (typical; thanks guys) and woke Caroline up at 6:30. Sooo, we did she got her Easter basket bright and early and then I made breakfast. She loved her Easter basket goodies. I saw a lot of Easter baskets posted on Facebook and some were elaborate with very expensive items. I'm not ashamed to say that every item in Caroline's basket came from the Target One Spot, meaning they were all $1 each (less when you factor in my coupon skills) and they couldn't have been more PERFECT. Sidewalk chalk? Crayons? Color book? Bubbles? New sunglasses that can break without mommy crying? Dude, that's all a toddler needs. She was thrilled!

We then had our delicious breakfast! After breakfast we took Caroline for a ride in her amaaaazing new wagon from her even more amazing Memaw and Pepaw. We then took a very classy Easter trip to Walmart to buy lightbulbs. Then we came back home for Caroline's nap time. Josh and I downed some freaking fantastic bloody mary's. Once Caroline woke up, we had a quick chat with her Nan and Papa, where she flashed her belly and smiled a lot. At the last minute, we then decided to brave the chilly weather and take Caroline for a city Easter Egg Hunt. We got to the park as they were counting down to the start of the hunt. We got the toddler area right as they said "GO" and started our hunt! And by that I mean Caroline laid down in the dirt, then found an orange cone, and passed over every egg in sight. It couldn't have been more perfect :) We then took her to her favorite park to play and made another very classy Easter stop at McDonalds for snacks. Gosh, when did we get so high class?

We then came back home and relaxed for a while, watching House of Cards and playing with Caroline. We then chatted with Memaw and Pepaw, where there were more belly flashes (by Caroline, don't worry) and grins. We then had a fantastic Easter dinner. It was a crockpot feast! The pot roast, carrots, and potatoes all cooked in the crockpot, so all we had to do was set the table and grab the rolls. Perfect! Caroline didn't like the potatoes, didn't care for the roast, liked the rolls, but went CRAZY for the carrots! I guess she's a little Easter Bunny herself :)

Just a little side note to thank everyone for the recent "snail mail packages" we have gotten over the past few weeks. We got a box of hand-me-down clothes from my cousin's family, we got an amazing wagon from my parents, we got another box filled with goodies from my parents, we got a box of adorable Caroline outfits from my sister, and we got a box of outfits and wine from Josh's parents. We're so far away from everyone down here and it makes my heart happy to get boxes, cards, anything from you guys, so THANK YOU! Love you all :)

And just because……. here's a picture from a few weeks ago that was hidden on my memory card. Just thought I'd end with more cuteness! (also this is a disclaimer that my lunch break is over and I have to go back to work so I'm not proofreading this entry… hope the typos aren't too embarrassing)!

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