Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Today is the day I leave my happiness-draining job and move on to something that will hopefully be better for me. I have awaited this day for SO LONG and am really proud of myself for finally moving on, finding another job, and turning in my resignation. I have never left a job for any reason other than relocation, and it feels really good to leave a job because I want, no, need to. The image above is from the legendary movie, Office Space (if you didn't already know that, stop what you're doing right now, go out and buy the movie, and watch it.... now), and is how I wish I could celebrate when 5 o'clock rolls around today. However, I will settle for driving home and pouring myself a generous glass of red wine instead.

1 comment:

  1. Did you pour that glass of wine? Did you give Caroline another pouch? I know you need to move on, but you know my motherly concerns! Love you soooo muchly :) Can't wait to give you a hug on Friday!!
