Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another post about nothing! Wee!

Hi guys! Welcome to yet another "nothing interesting is really going on, but I'm going to blog anyway" post. Hello! Aloha! Ciao! Hola! HIIII. Once again, I'll grace this post with pictures of me bored at my desk:

Look! It's my White Hot Chocolate from Starbucks - Thursday treat :) Let's look at what's in my office! Behind me in the photos on the top and bottom, you will find a filing cabinet. This has all of the litigation files I handle in it; you know you're excited. On top of the cabinet, you'll see some binders. I have no effing idea what's in those; I have never opened them. Shockingly, I don't sit in here and read gibberish-y legal documents when I'm bored. In the middle photo the delicious drink is pictured. But what is in the background, you may ask. WELL. My computer monitors (yes, I have two; jealous?), which appear to have my emails showing - hope it's nothing confidential! Also pictured is a post-it note with a number for our Sarasota office listed... riveting! You can also see a post-it holder on the far left that is missing post-its. Oops! Oh look, it's dental floss! No, I don't floss at my desk. Our office is next to a dental office and they bring us floss! EXCITING. Oh look, to the right of my drink you will see my notary stamp. Wow! To the right of that is a yellow thing; that's the knife I use to cut the cheese! Not fart, you silly goose. Cut the literal cheese! Beside that is a rubber band. And just look at my fancy keyboard! 

Also, please note my awesome nail polish - wowza!

Can you tell I'm bored and a wee bit hyper?

This has been a post on the anatomy of Kaitlin's office. Stay tuned and maybe I'll show you the photo of a sailboat that's on my wall!

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