The Blog

Well, hello there. This blog, written with coffee in hand, serves as a way to keep friends and family up-to-date on my life in the sunshine state. Okay, there was a lie in that last sentence. It may not always be coffee. It may be beer. It may be wine.  It may even be tea. How did my blog description suddenly become an essay about delicious beverages?

Follow my journey as a mom to sweet Caroline. I love talking about my little girl, my husband, my four furry children, and everything else going on down here in the Sunshine State. Prepare yourself for a lot of rambling and a lot of pictures. 

So, sit back with a cup of coffee (or whatever kind of beverage floats your boat) and enjoy my ramblings!

You can follow my blog by completing the fancy email form in the right column (totally anonymous), or becoming a fan on Facebook!