Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just stare at the cuteness.

I have nothing interesting to say, but I felt like blogging.
Since I have nothing to type, I will just post this picture of my doggies.
"Wrangler Hugging His Ellie" is the name of this portrait.
Just stare, go "awwww," and pretend this blog was actually interesting :)


Monday, March 26, 2012

And, the weekends ends.

Where in the world did Monday come from? You evil, evil little day; why must you sneak up oh so quickly?

We had a lovely relaxing weekend. Saturday, we got some iHop into our bellies, which was amazing (veggie omelet nom nom nom). Then it was Hunger Games time! It was good. Perhaps a bit rushed at times, but a very good movie overall :) Then it was back home for some relaxation. We have become addicted to HGTV. House hunters is my favorite. Although, we really enjoy yelling at the idiots they show the houses to. They are the pickiest group of mofos ever. "Omg this house is too big." "No way, this house is too fancy." "Oh my gosh, wah wah wahhhh." Weirdos. After some lazy couch time, I went on a walk around the block with my little Ellie (there's no way I can handle both beasts at the same time). I need to get my butt (literally) in shape before the beach in a few weeks! After my walk, we ate tacos (during which I probably ruined any kind of fitness that took place during my walk). I made guacamole for the first time and it was definitely delicious! Then we watched "Young Adult" which was good, but a bit of a downer.

Sunday was another nice, relaxing day :) After relaxing time at home, we had some delicious Panera for lunch, then went to some furniture stores on a search for bookshelves. We found some good options, but aren't ready to commit. Next weekend we may take a field trip to Thomasville, GA to see what they have. Then it was back home for some more laziness, a walk with Mr. Wrangler dog (Ellie was not pleased that she wasn't invited), and grilled chicken for dinner.

And now, it's Monday. Yuck, gross, nasty. And I must get to work.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lazy Sunday blog :)

Hello there, everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day! Ours was quite fun. We started off with our usual weekend routine: lazy coffee time, our favorite! Then, it was off to Walmart to get the supplies to wash/wax the cars. I washed the Jeep, Josh washed the Altima, and then he waxed both cars. He had a waxer thinger mcbobber from his grandpa's garage, which worked quite nicely. Our cars are now sparkling :)

After that, it was some relaxation time (which included me on the couch watching Harry Potter movies and him playing Skyrim). Then OUTBACK FOR DINNER!! (Bolded and uppercase because it really is that exciting). We had a $10 off coupon, so this amazing dinner was also amazingly cheap! Holy cow, guys, I ate so much food. Two slices of bread, a blue cheese wedge salad, a 6 oz sirloin, broccoli, a piece of cheesecake, and half of a mini Chocolate Thunder from Down Under. Needless to say, a food coma ensued. Look at our nom nom nom worth dessert:

After dinner, it was time for a St. Patrick's Day Festival downtown with our friend, Karen. The festival started at 4 and we didn't get there until around 8, so I think a lot of the drunkies had already left and passed out for the night, muhahahaha!!! It was fun, though. Guinness, Irish Band, people watching, brownies on a stick (as if the above wasn't enough chocolate for the day...). Fun time :) There was a cute puppy there that I wanted to steal, but Joshua wouldn't let me. There were these two little girls that loved Josh. They kept coming over and dancing for him, showing him how they could balance on one leg (he was teaching them better balance techniques), and he was swinging them around. It was so cute :) The people watching was incredibly entertaining. Watching drunkies when I'm not drunk is a very rewardingly awesome experience :) Such a bunch of old floozies!

Today, we're off to buy new pillows (exciting life of old married folks), go to the bookstore, get some burgers for dinner, get some coupons, etc. Not sure if Home Depot will be a stop today, but you never know! There's still a lovely hole above our fireplace, since our TV Mount won't get here until tomorrow, and the HDMI cable just now shipped even though we ordered it a week ago. Thankfully, Joshua has placed a piece of art on the mantle in front of the massive hole so I don't have to stare at it. Pictures to follow ones his masterpiece is complete :)

xoxoxoxo miss you guys <3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Don't eat me!

A glance into the strangeness of the Brians:

(PS: for those not familiar with iPhones, I am in blue and Josh is in white)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Just Another Manic Monday...

... wish it was any day other than Monday.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! It's such a same this horrendous Monday had to so rudely interrupt mine.  This weekend held another fixer-upper project, which led to three, yes three, Home Depot runs.

Here is my tangent about Home Depot runs. I have noted so many things during all of my recent adventures there:
  1. Men truly do enjoy talking to themselves there (i.e.: "Ah yes, this thinger mcbobber will look great with that thingy majiggy I got last week. I must be the manliest man to ever step foot into the Home Depot.")
  2. I turn into  insta-child when I'm there. I caught myself, on many occasions, doing things I remember doing in these stores when I was a kid (i.e.: twirling in the aisles, using tape as a bracelet and talking to Josh about how amazing my new bracelet is, etc.)
  3. I love paint colors. My favorite part of the store, by far. It's like a rainbow of amazingness. I think I spent about half an hour in the paint section this weekend (actually, possibly more) and returned to Josh with a stack of swatches approximately 5 inches high. 
Okay, so as I was saying, we did another home project this weekend. That beautiful paint job above the fireplace I posted last week? Oh yes, there's a big hole in it now. Josh is installing a new outlet there, because we are mounting the TV. I think I almost had a heart attack when I saw the hole in the wall. He is being a good hubby though, and is making it look as pretty as possible. Le sigh. We did discover that Ellie hates when Josh is in the attic. She freaks, making these sad little noises. Poor little puppy.

So, while Josh was doing all of that manly stuff. I did girly stuff, which consisted of perfectly organizing the five inch pile of paint swatches I picked up. I also went to Target and got eight solar lights that now line the sidewalk (they're on sale for a dollar each, guys, so stock up!). Our house is beautiful :)

And now, it's Monday. Yuck. Ick. Gross. Nasty. Stinky. Sucky. MONDAY.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Excuse for being missing in action.

I do apologize ever so much for the lack of posts this week, but I have been preoccupied by reading The Hunger Games series. Yes, you read that right, I have been reading... books... not magazines... true story, bro. SO, they are rather addicting and I have not really felt like posting. Oopsies!

I will make this post more exciting with some fantastic humor for you guys: 

~ AND ~

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello, pop of color!

Yesterday, we woke up and randomly decided to paint our accent wall in the living room! "Spanish Moss" by Martha Stewart is the color (it looks lime green-ish in these picture, but it's a much nicer, more neutral green, actually - go to Home Depot and pick up the color swatch it you want to see a more accurate representation of the green! Or CLICK HERE)



We're in love with our new pop of color! We actually continued the improvement randomly last night by painting the square above the mantle a brighter white to blend more with the mantle color itself. Looks awesome :) 

Also, the husband gets the credit for most of the painting. I am a maniac with a paint brush - more like the Picasso/Jackson Pollock of the home painting realm. I'm a good observer, though! ;)

More home improvement projects to follow!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Coupon Queen!

I want to start off by whining that nobody commented on my brilliant white hot chocolate post. Boo hiss wah wah!

Now, this post is dedicated to my new status as a coupon queen. We're trying to be really awesome about saving money, and my newfound "coupon hobby" has helped! No, I'm not as obsessed as those creepshows on TV, THANK GOD, but I'm pretty proud of myself! Let's look at my trip to Publix this afternoon:

I bought:
  • Asparagus (on sale, saved $1.10)
  • 2 Bags of Voila Pasta (buy one get one free + coupon = $1.00 each)
  • 2 Bags Orville Redenbacher Natural Popcorn (buy one get one free + coupon = $2.00 each)
  • 2 packages of Kraft Fresh Fresh Take (I linked because these are super yum and I recommend them... anyway, with store deal + coupons these were free)
  • 1 box of rice for dinner - not on sale, darn.
  • 4 boxes of Quaker Oats cereal (they were buy one get one free and I saved an extra $1.00 with a coupon)
  • 2 Olay facial cleansers ($1.50 off store sale and $3.00 off two coupon, so they ended up only being $2.00 each!)
  • Six chicken breasts (these were on sale and I saved $6.00)
SO, I saved... $46.00ish
I spent... wait for it... $39.00ish

And I went to Beall's with a $10.00 off $25.00 coupon and got 2 boxes of Kuering coffee and a thing of hand wash for $15.00 :) 


Another exciting thing: we paid off Josh's bar loan finally (a loan law students take to take the Bar exam... it had a 12.5% interest rate, so we're very glad it's gone). And our entire tax return went towards Josh's Altima! We're rockin' :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another post about nothing! Wee!

Hi guys! Welcome to yet another "nothing interesting is really going on, but I'm going to blog anyway" post. Hello! Aloha! Ciao! Hola! HIIII. Once again, I'll grace this post with pictures of me bored at my desk:

Look! It's my White Hot Chocolate from Starbucks - Thursday treat :) Let's look at what's in my office! Behind me in the photos on the top and bottom, you will find a filing cabinet. This has all of the litigation files I handle in it; you know you're excited. On top of the cabinet, you'll see some binders. I have no effing idea what's in those; I have never opened them. Shockingly, I don't sit in here and read gibberish-y legal documents when I'm bored. In the middle photo the delicious drink is pictured. But what is in the background, you may ask. WELL. My computer monitors (yes, I have two; jealous?), which appear to have my emails showing - hope it's nothing confidential! Also pictured is a post-it note with a number for our Sarasota office listed... riveting! You can also see a post-it holder on the far left that is missing post-its. Oops! Oh look, it's dental floss! No, I don't floss at my desk. Our office is next to a dental office and they bring us floss! EXCITING. Oh look, to the right of my drink you will see my notary stamp. Wow! To the right of that is a yellow thing; that's the knife I use to cut the cheese! Not fart, you silly goose. Cut the literal cheese! Beside that is a rubber band. And just look at my fancy keyboard! 

Also, please note my awesome nail polish - wowza!

Can you tell I'm bored and a wee bit hyper?

This has been a post on the anatomy of Kaitlin's office. Stay tuned and maybe I'll show you the photo of a sailboat that's on my wall!