So, most of you know about Caroline's best friend. No, not Ellie… her other best friend. Her makeup brush.
She got her hands on it a few months ago due to her super-human long reach (monkey arms like her mommy, sigh). I let her carry it around for a few days and would just grab it from her when I needed to use it. And then I realized where Mr. Makeup Brush was ending up. According to Caroline, it's a great cleaning tool, especially on toilets. That's when the makeup brush became Caroline's and I got myself a new one. The sad thing is Caroline carries around an expensive makeup brush from Sephora; mommy now has a $3.50 makeup brush from Target. The sacrifices we make for our children…
Caroline LOVES her makeup brush. She looks for it when she wakes up in the morning, she carries it around while we get ready, she looks for it when she gets back from school, and she often falls asleep with it clutched in her hand. If she's having a hissy fit, we can just hand her the makeup brush and suddenly all is well with the world. Thank you, Mr. Makeup Brush, for calming our girl on so, so many occasions.
In the morning, she usually stands next to me while I put my makeup on. When she sees me grab my makeup brush, and hers isn't firmly in her grip, she points at it and goes "MMM MMM" probably meaning, "MINE MINE." On those mornings, I have to go find her brush and give it to her in order to calm her down. She then laughs at the fact that we both have makeup brushes. It's absolutely hilarious.
Caroline has other weird "toys" that she loves (none as much as the makeup brush, of course). They include a travel sized bottle of Johnson and Johnson's shampoo, a yellow highlighter, and a shoebox. She'll gladly pass over any of her actual toys if handed one of these items. It's oddly adorable, I must admit.
If you pay attention to some of the photos I post, you can often see Caroline posing with her favorite makeup brush. Often, we even capture her with both of her best friends: her "Ellay" (as she calls her) and her makeup brush. And because no post is complete without photos, here are some of Caroline with her two best friends :)
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Just hanging in the crate with Ellie and the Makeup Brush… a typical morning around here. |
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I'm just going to sit here with my Ellie and clean my shoes with my makeup brush. |
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We're the three best friends that anyone could have, the three best friends that anyone can have... |