I apologize for the lack of posting. I am quite the slacker!
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Please forgive my mommy <3 |
Last weekend, we were actually social. We got invited to a party of one of Josh's law school classmates. Their house is beautiful and the party was really nice. I think I forgot how to be social; it has been so long! We met some fun new people and Caroline had so much fun and was so well behaved. We were there for three hours and she did not fuss once. She made friends with some older friends and pretty much sat on the floor the entire time playing with her crab and alligator toys. It was a good time and it was nice to break out of our routine and hang out with our peers!
Last week was no fun because we had to deal with a sick baby. I got a call at 11:30am Wednesday that Caroline took a 90 minute nap (so rare for her that they actually worry when she naps), didn't have an appetite, and had two nasty blowouts. Poor little thing got sent home sick from school. I went to get her and she spent about an hour in my office and then we headed home. She had two more nasty incidents and was SO UNHAPPY. She was screaming. Not crying, screaming. I tried everything to calm her down, texted Josh that I needed help, and finally got her to calm down while he was on his way home. How? I got in the bathtub with her (which usually makes her instant happy baby) where she continued to scream. However, I put her on my chest to sleep and she instantly calmed down and fell asleep. So, we laid in the tub for about half an hour. The water got SO COLD but she was SO CONTENT. I guess that skin-to-skin contact is still soothing to them even at nine months old. Due to her tummy issues, she wasn't allowed at daycare on Thursday (24-hour policy), so I took the morning off of work to take care of her and Josh took the afternoon off work to take over. She was feeling so much better on Thursday, so it was a very enjoyable day!
We had a nice, relaxing weekend. We had an Outback feast Friday night. Caroline was so good the entire time and was watching and talking to the people around us. She almost fell asleep in her highchair while eating her bottle, which I'm sure was hilarious to people around us. Caroline fell asleep on the drive back home and we put her straight to bed - Outback is exhausting :)
Saturday, we went to the mall, where I got two new belts (mine are slowly dying). We then went to Babies 'r' Us where we got Caroline a new changing pad cover (her changing pad is also slowly dying). After that, we went to the new Dick's Sporting Goods where we bought nothing, but scored a free beach ball! A note to my food friend: it was a lazy eating day... Dunkin's for breakfast, Chickfila for lunch, and frozen pizza for dinner! We enjoyed a three-way video chat with my parents and my sister - technology is amazing!
Sunday was the ideal lazy day. I watched Caroline in the morning while Josh did yard work. Unfortunately, it was cut short when he got bit/stung by something, so for fear that it may have been an ant he took a bunch of Benedril and slept for a few hours. Luckily, he didn't have an allergic reaction, so it must have been something else. Caroline and I watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame and played on the floor. It was fun :) Once Josh woke up, I went to Target and Publix. We then watched Tucker and Dale v. Evil on Netflix; to any friends who enjoy dark comedies, we definitely recommend it! We then gave Caroline a bath, ate some dinner, and watched the, for lack of a better term, shitshow that was the MTV VMA's. Food friend, we once again had Dunkin's for breakfast, I ate popcorn for lunch, and I made beef stroganoff for dinner.
Yesterday was Caroline's nine-month birthday! At nine months, she loves clapping, says "mama" repeatedly, can stand unassisted for about five seconds at a time, loves spinning in circles while sitting down, can pull herself up, and can crawl very slowly (she's the tortoise, not the hare). She's outgrowing her 6 to 9 month clothing and fitting into her 12 to 18 month clothing. She has her two bottom teeth and has a lot of hair; it's just so blonde she still looks bald! She still hates her vegetables and loves her fruits. She can now pick up and take bites of food (pancakes are super fun). She is very happy, laughs when we play peekaboo, and loves her furry brothers and sisters. I adore my sweet nine month old!!
Here are some more pictures of my Sweet Caroline on her nine month birthday!
Still hard for me to believe my baby has a baby - I love you both1
ReplyDeleteNine months later and it's still hard for me to believe sometimes, too :) LOVE YOU!