Hello, everyone! I hope you all had lovely Mondays, if that's possible. I didn't blog about my weekend, because there's not really much to report. But, I feel like a blog abandoner when I don't ramble about my weekends, so here we go!
Friday, I felt the need for a beer and a steak. Not a want, but a need. So, we waited for ages at Texas Roadhouse so I could get my beer and a steak. Oh, it was worth the wait. Sam Adams Summer, yes please! Perfect medium rare steak, nom nom! Their amazing rolls, hellz yeah! The veggies, eh, not so much, but whatever. Caroline was such a good girl while we ate and enjoyed watching the waiters line dance. She doesn't understand yet that staring is weird, so she stared at them like a true creeper. That's my girl ;)
Saturday, Josh made pancakes so, of course, Caroline got one to "eat." As we expected, not a single piece went in her mouth. We relaxed around the house before heading out. We had Momo's for lunch; I got a porter beer and smoked wings, Josh got buffalo chicken and a citrus-y beer, and Caroline ate peaches and had a bottle. I guess she felt she needed food and a drink, too ;) We then went to Babies 'r' Us to scope out the big-girl car seats, Best Buy to get a video game for Josh with a giftcard he forgot he had, and Publix to get dinner.
Saturday, Josh made pancakes so, of course, Caroline got one to "eat." As we expected, not a single piece went in her mouth. We relaxed around the house before heading out. We had Momo's for lunch; I got a porter beer and smoked wings, Josh got buffalo chicken and a citrus-y beer, and Caroline ate peaches and had a bottle. I guess she felt she needed food and a drink, too ;) We then went to Babies 'r' Us to scope out the big-girl car seats, Best Buy to get a video game for Josh with a giftcard he forgot he had, and Publix to get dinner.
Sunday, we had eggs and bacon and basically spent the whole day doing nothing. It was wonderful! Josh and Caroline never even left the house; I left just to go to the store and be a coupon queen at Target ;) I love lazy Sundays!!
So, since that was a boring weekend roundup, let's talk about Caroline! Here's what's going on with her as a seven and a half month old:
- She's starting to really love her big girl food and get really excited when she sees you getting it prepared. She now eats once at daycare for lunch and once at home for dinner. She loves every fruit we've given her and hates every vegetable we've given her. Josh gave her apples (or pears, I can't remember) with cinnamon and oatmeal and HOLY COW she gobbled them up and got upset when they were gone. I think we have a new favorite :)
- She still loves her formula, too. She's starting to hold the bottle herself sometimes. Poor thing doesn't realize she has to hold the bottle up for the food to go in her mouth so she ends up just sucking air and we have to help, but I'm proud of her for at least trying. According to my mom, who talked a lot with the daycare ladies while we were in Spain, they teach them to hold their bottles in the next classroom (older babies); I think they have started teaching Caroline, too.
- Guys, she is getting SO cuddly and I love it! It makes it so hard to leave her in the mornings. This morning, I woke her up, fed her a bottle, and then sat her up in my lap like I do every morning (we like to delay getting ready and just hang out together on the bed for a while in the mornings). She usually sits there and stares at the dogs and smiles at her daddy. This morning she flung herself at me and laid there and hugged my belly for a good ten minutes. I told Josh I was calling in sick to work, that I couldn't leave her. Alas, I'm at work. She hugged Josh last night when he picked her up when he got home from work. She is the sweetest little thing ever.
- She's getting a lot better at playing by herself. We put the quilt on the floor, set her down, and surround her with toys. She can entertain herself for a while. She loves when someone sits next to her. It doesn't even matter if you're paying attention to her, but if you're next to her she's so happy.
- She is still very clingy. When I bring her to daycare, I can't just put her in a toy anymore or she will SCREAM. I can hand her to a daycare lady and have them put her in a toy, but when it's me putting her down she goes nuts. The ladies at daycare say they all start doing that when they reach a certain age... I guess that age has been reached, whomp whomp
- Her little head is getting SO FUZZY. So much little blonde fuzz on that noggin'. It's not enough to brush or put into bows, but it's enough to be ADORABLE. It sticks out funny on one side of her head, too. The cuteness is overwhelming.
- I see posts from other moms on Facebook, some with babies older than Caroline and others with babies younger than Caroline, that their kids are still not sleeping through the night. It makes me feel so lucky that Caroline sleeps through the night every night, with very rare exceptions. I have to wake her up in the mornings before daycare and I usually have her almost out of her sleep sack before she finally wakes up.
- She is SO HAPPY lately. She's so smiley, squeals a lot, and giggles. She finally enjoys the things you're taught to believe all babies enjoy... peekaboo, raspberries on her belly, etc... she finally giggles at those things instead of giving us the "what the heck are you doing?" stare.
Josh and I have decided we created the cutest baby ever. We don't think we're biased at all ;) She's seriously just THE CUTEST THING EVER and we're so freaking in love with her. I mean, look at that face you guys. THERE IS NOTHING CUTER. Pardon my capital letters.
PS: I have more pictures to post, but they're on my camera and I'm too lazy to move them off.
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