Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We have a crib sleeper!

For weeks now Josh and I have been planning to put Caroline in her crib at night, yet she somehow ended up in the cradle every single night (force of habit). Well, Sunday night we finally did it.

Night one

She nursed and fell asleep in my arms and Josh worked his magic and carried her from the living room to the nursery without waking her up (a feat I have yet to conquer). We made sure the monitor worked, figured out the best place for the nightlight, kissed her goodnight, and closed the door (we don't want Parker thinking it's okay to cuddle with her at night quite yet, so the door gets closed for now).

It was so weird not having her next to me. For the past fifteen weeks she has been in the cradle beside me, and it was so strange having it empty. I love the monitor I got. It's an Angelcare Movement and Sound Monitor. There is a sensor under her crib mattress that can sense very small movements such as breathing. If Caroline stops breathing for more than 20 seconds, and alarm goes off. I know the chances of something happening to her are slim, but it makes me sleep so much better knowing she's being monitored and I don't have to go check on her constantly. On the transmitter I keep in the room, I can see a moving icon which means it's sensing her movement. It's very reassuring :)

Anyway, Sunday night I heard her "talking" on the monitor at 1:15am. I go in and poor little thing had rolled onto her side (a "trick" she unwillingly learned this weekend; she hasn't figured out how to get back onto her back quite yet, so she doesn't like this trick). I nursed her and tried to put her back in the crib, but of course she was still hungry. I made her a bottle, Josh set her Boppy pillow between us in the bed and fed her a bottle, she fell asleep there, we decided to keep her there, and Josh went to sleep on the couch (his choice, not mine!) to be more comfortable. She ended up sleeping until about 6:30am... just not in the crib, oops!!

Night two

Once again, she nursed and fell asleep in my arms. And once again, Josh put her to bed. She slept until 1:05am (who set up a 1am alarm clock in my little girl's brain?). I nursed her and rocked her for a while (the rocking chair makes noises so I actually stood and did lunge type movements - getting the baby to sleep and getting a workout at the same time!). I tried to put her back in the crib but NOPE she was still hungry. Soooo, I fed her a bottle in bed and she fell asleep in my lap. Josh carried her into the nursery and got her to fall asleep in her crib. 

 Little one slept in her crib until she woke up again at 5:40am!! So proud :) She nursed for a minute before falling asleep again, and spent the rest of the night sleeping on my chest (since the alarm clock goes off at 6am).

In conclusion

In conclusion, my baby is awesome.


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