Tuesday, September 11, 2012

29 Weeks!

How far along: 29 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Acorn Squash.

Neat facts about baby: She's probably feeling a little cramped in my belly as she's growing, poor lady. She's growing white fat deposits, which is giving her a surge of energy. These two things combined mean a very active baby!

Total weight gain: I forgot to weigh myself this morning, oopsies!

What I miss: Buttoning my pants.

Sleep: Not sleeping great. I wake up a lot in the middle of the night. I toss and turn a lot, poor Josh. Apparently it doesn't disturb him, which is shocking because I feel like I'm changing position every half hour. I had a night last week where I let Ellie outside at 12:15 (little brat) and didn't fall back asleep until at least 2:30 according to my clock. That was rough.

Symptoms: The pregnancy brain, which this weekend caused me to glue my art project upside down (or was that just Kaitlin being Kaitlin and having a blonde moment?). Also, my belly button is more out than in at this point, which is really bizarre. I get leg cramps a lot, which I have read is a mystery symptom that has no cause, but affects a lot of women. This is not helping with the sleeping issues.

Cravings/Aversions: White hot chocolates from Starbucks. Thank you, living social, for giving me an excuse to go get a couple with your deal ;) And my glucose test came back normal, thank god, so I don't have to cut sweets out of my diet. Oh, happy day!!

Movement: She's moving so much and still getting hiccups. Last night, Josh and I were watching TV on the couch and he laid so his head was on my belly (yes, we are strange). She started kicking his ear, bwhahahahaha! She was like, "gosh dad, get off of me!" I can also physically see how she's positioned in there; one side of my belly will poke out, I'll feel her move, and then the other side will be poking out - it's crazy!

Maternity clothes: I can only wear some jeans, dresses and skirts (although most are too short in the front these days and therefore inappropriate) these days, so my options are becoming limited. When I'm at home I'm always in comfy pants that don't squeeze my belly. I bought a couple long dresses at walmart that will work great when the bump continues to grow.

Best moments this week: Two people at the vet, the check-out girl at Publix, and the changing room girl at walmart all acknowledged that I was pregnant, so it's pretty awesome to finally be undoubtedly pregnant looking! Doing her art project was fun, even though I kind of messed up :) Her kicking Josh's ear was pretty hilarious. Getting our bedding in the mail was great, because I love it just as much in person as I did online!

What I'm looking forward to: THE BEACH! Hurry up, week, go by quicker :) Also seeing what baby clothes my mom is bringing us; she's packing two tubs filled with outfits my sister and I wore as babies - it will be crazy to see our little girl in outfits I wore when I was little. And I'm looking forward to eventually putting the nursery together, hanging things in the nursery, and things like that.

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