Thursday, June 21, 2012

Most Random Post Ever.

Guys, I just went to Arby's for lunch. I ordered and then realized there were 6 cars in line in front of me waiting to get their food. I was in for a long wait. Thankfully, there was a german shepherd puppy with its master in the parking lot and OMG OMG it was so cute. I'm glad his dude didn't see me because I literally stared out of my window for 15 minutes with a goofy grin on my face. This made me want more cute when I got back to my office. So, I started Google image searching puppies. I want to share cuteness on my blog to make everyone's days happy so they get goofy grins, too. SO, here is a random puppy post. OMG LOOK AT THE PUPPIES.

Yes, I have issues. Blame the "pregnancy brain" phenomenon I read about.

Great Dane (he has no idea he'll be gigantic one day.. cute!)

Labrodor Retrievers (they come in different colors... cute!)
Golden Retriever (possibly the cutest of the cute... cute!)
Corgi (they have like no legs, guys... cute!)

Rottweiler (they look like stuffed animals... cute!)
Shetland Sheepdog (they remind me of my Sophie... cute!)
English Bulldog (just look at those rolls... cute!)
Basset Hound (their ears are bigger than them... cute!)
Neopolitan Mastiff (I don't even think I need to explain... cute!)

There are so many, so many more, but those are my favorites! Now, don't even get me started on the cuteness of kittens...

And when you mix puppies and kittens, I can't even handle the cuteness.

I am going to get a cavity from this sweetness.
Okay, my job seriously needs to give me more work to do, because it is just ridiculous that I just had the time to make a random post like this. Not that I'm complaining because LOOK AT THE CUTENESS!

The grand finale of cuteness: Please click this link and prepare to go, "awwww!!!!" Someone just posted this on Facebook right after I finished this post. Someone is live streaming PUPPIES!

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