Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's a GIRL!

We are sooo excited that we are having a little LADY! Joshua and I had both guessed lady, and when the ultrasound tech said, "it's a girl," Joshua said, "I told you," with a grin on his face.

The ultrasound was so neat, guys. We watched her heart beating and her arms moving around. We got to see her brain, her face (she kind of looks like an alien lizard right now, but don't ever tell her I said that), her spine, her feet, her hands, her stomach, her femur, and more! It was really neat :) She was nerdy dancing in there like her mom already! Her heartbeat is normal and everything measured to the exact due date the doctor had originally said, so I'm at about 18 and a half weeks right now, just like we had thought! 

Joshua and I went to Toys R' Us and bought her some presents (pictures to follow in a later post, as I have been too lazy to take them). I got her an Eeyore with a little pink blanket, and Joshua got her an FAO Schwartz Lion. I spotted a pink polka dotted cow at Kohls this morning and Joshua loves cows, so I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with that by the end of the day ;) 

Then we went out for a celebratory dinner with Karen and Zach to Outback (where else?). We had drinks at the bar while we waited (virgin strawberry daiquiri, nom nom!), and then I had a delicious steak, salad, and broccoli. We all split a chocolate thunder for dessert. Josh and I didn't get home until after 10pm (living wild in our world). I collapsed from my food coma and he collapsed from his two big bloke beer coma ;) It was a really fun night!

I will make my usual Monday blog on, you guessed it, Monday. And then my Tuesday preggers blog on, yep, Tuesday. Stay tuned <3

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

18 Weeks!

Happy Tuesday! Time for another survey :) I have some yummy Dunkin's Donuts in me thanks to tropical storm Debby shutting our power off, so I'm a happy Kaitlin!

How far along: 18 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Size of a sweet potato. (Josh and I looked at sweet potatoes in the grocery store; they're big!)

Neat facts about baby: He/she is yawning, hiccuping (that's adorable), sucking their thumb, and swallowing! Apparently the baby is going crazy in there... twisting, rolling, moving, dancing, etc.

Total weight gain: We need to get a scale, haha! I will find out at our appointment on Friday :)

What I miss: Wine. Still. We were watching HGTV Sunday night, and in celebration of their newly-fixed house these people were walking around with glasses of wine. I called them a bunch of mean skanks out of jealousy, and told Josh it's not even that I miss wine itself. I miss walking around with my glass of wine. How strange is that? I guess I just need to drink everything out of wine glasses so I can carry them around!

Sleep: Apparently now is the time that I need to start sleeping only on my sides. Soooo, I'm going to try to start working on that. I tried last night and slept like crappo!

Symptoms: Just the growing belly this week! No more headaches or anything, and I have felt great.

Cravings/Aversions: I wanted a cobb salad from Baker's Crust so.freaking.bad. on Sunday. I talked about it so much I made Josh start craving it, too. And chocolate. I can't get enough of it! No aversions :)

Gender: We will know (hopefully) on FRIDAY!

Movement: I still can't feel anything. Josh keeps putting his hand up to my belly trying to feel; don't think he'll be able for feel for quite a while, though :)

Maternity clothes: Not yet! I looked at some maternity pants in Old Navy this weekend, and ohmygosh, they are ugly! Maybe I just won't need any ;)

Best moments this week: Telling my office (well, some of my office) was such a relief! It's an awkward thing to bring up.

What I'm looking forward to: FRIDAY!

Milestones: No big milestones this week, but there will certainly be one next week!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Rainy, rainy Monday.

"Happy" Monday, everyone! I'm having a gloomy Monday thanks to Tropical Storm Debby. It hasn't stopped raining for the past 48ish hours. At least we still have power, unlike a lot of people around here. Too bad my office isn't closed...

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Ours was very nice and very relaxing. So relaxing, there's really not much to report on! Friday night we had steak kabobs for dinner and then collapsed on the couch for a night of lazy TV (House and Bones to be exact). That's about as exciting as it got :)

Saturday, we had a productive morning. I retouched the paint in the nursery (our painter's tape decided to be mean and peal off chunks of paint), while Josh cleaned, vacuumed, swept, etc. We then rewarded ourselves with some Five Guys. We had a lazy afternoon, ate some Klondike Bars, had more lazy afternoon time, ate some bratwurst, had a lazy night (he played video games while I watched The Vow - cheesy, chick flick alert!). It was laze-tastic!

Sunday, we were in for another day of laziness thanks to the nasty rain. We ran some errands, got Josh a new curling bar from Sports Authority (so he can get buff, bahaha), got Tollie a new collar (her old collar was fraying so she has a pretty new fish collar), and grabbed some Red Elephant for lunch (I had some delicious pasta and caesar salad nom nom). We snuggled into our cozy home and stayed there for the rest of the day. We relaxed, watched The Sixth Sense, ate bratwurst for dinner again, and then watched HGTV until bed time... we are so old :)

That's about it for our weekend! Stay tuned for my 18 week blog tomorrow :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

New layout, guys!

I changed my layout in honor of the bay-bay! Thought it was cute :)

Those are my deep thoughts for the day; stay tuned tomorrow for my "I HATE MONDAYS" blog ;)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Most Random Post Ever.

Guys, I just went to Arby's for lunch. I ordered and then realized there were 6 cars in line in front of me waiting to get their food. I was in for a long wait. Thankfully, there was a german shepherd puppy with its master in the parking lot and OMG OMG it was so cute. I'm glad his dude didn't see me because I literally stared out of my window for 15 minutes with a goofy grin on my face. This made me want more cute when I got back to my office. So, I started Google image searching puppies. I want to share cuteness on my blog to make everyone's days happy so they get goofy grins, too. SO, here is a random puppy post. OMG LOOK AT THE PUPPIES.

Yes, I have issues. Blame the "pregnancy brain" phenomenon I read about.

Great Dane (he has no idea he'll be gigantic one day.. cute!)

Labrodor Retrievers (they come in different colors... cute!)
Golden Retriever (possibly the cutest of the cute... cute!)
Corgi (they have like no legs, guys... cute!)

Rottweiler (they look like stuffed animals... cute!)
Shetland Sheepdog (they remind me of my Sophie... cute!)
English Bulldog (just look at those rolls... cute!)
Basset Hound (their ears are bigger than them... cute!)
Neopolitan Mastiff (I don't even think I need to explain... cute!)

There are so many, so many more, but those are my favorites! Now, don't even get me started on the cuteness of kittens...

And when you mix puppies and kittens, I can't even handle the cuteness.

I am going to get a cavity from this sweetness.
Okay, my job seriously needs to give me more work to do, because it is just ridiculous that I just had the time to make a random post like this. Not that I'm complaining because LOOK AT THE CUTENESS!

The grand finale of cuteness: Please click this link and prepare to go, "awwww!!!!" Someone just posted this on Facebook right after I finished this post. Someone is live streaming PUPPIES!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

17 weeks!

Another weekly blog! I'm feeling under the weather (day three of this headache), so the answers may be a bit short :) Sorry if anything doesn't make sense; my brain isn't functioning correctly today!

How far along: 17 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Size of an onion.

Neat facts about baby: The baby's cartilage is turning into bone. And he/she is growing some fat on those bones, awwww. The baby now has fingerprints!!

Total weight gain: I'm not sure right now, as we don't own a scale (oops!) We'll know in a few weeks :)

What I miss: My migraine medicine. I'm only allowed to take Tylenol, which does absolutely nothing for my monster migraines. Today, I called in sick to work for the first time since moving to Florida because I am on day three of this nastiness.

Sleep: Sleep is the same! It has sucked the past few nights due to my migraine, but that is not the baby's fault :)

Symptoms: Headaches, but I'm not sure if that's a symptom or just me being me. That's pretty much it at the moment!

Cravings/Aversions: None and none :) Chicken is still a wee bit iffy, but that's about it!

Gender: We should know by June 29th!! I have no clue which it will be :)

Movement: I still haven't felt anything, but supposedly it will happen any day now!

Maternity clothes: All the normal clothes still fit :) One pair of pants were a bit rude one morning and wouldn't button, though...

Best moments this week: Painting the nursery! It's so happy in there now :) Josh got his windows tinted for the baby (well, and for himself, of course), and it looks great.

What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the gender soon so we can start actually buying things!!! And I wouldn't mind actually looking pregnant soon, so I don't just look like I had a big meal :)

Milestones: Painting the nursery - love it!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend wrap up!

Hello, readers! All, like, two of you. I am suffering from a bad headache this morning, so if this blog makes no sense, I'm using that as an excuse. Overachiever Kaitlin is still in the office, even with a nasty headache this morning... I miss my migraine pills :(

I know everyone loves my weekend wrap ups, so here we go! Friday, I went to Home Depot by myself to get paint swatches and buy painter's tape. Kaitlin in Home Depot by herself is like a little lost dog... took me a while to find the painter's tape. Shockingly, it was in the painting section. Who would have thought? After Josh got home, we couldn't think of anything to cook and wanted some burgers, so we went to Five Guys. Josh has never ever been there and I have only been there once, so we went. It was good! Too much food for me, but good :) Then we went on a mall adventure for fun and then came back home to relax! It was a lovely, uneventful, yet enjoyable Friday night!

Saturday, we woke up, drank our coffee, and then went to work on our painting adventure. I finally chose our perfect yellow (Martha Stewart's Custard) and then we (mostly Josh with my assistance) put up the painter's tape! Then it was off to lunch (Wing Stop parmesan garlic chicken fingers for me). Then it was off to get our paint! We spent a small fortune at Home Depot. Getting tape, canvas for the floor, new wall outlets and outlet covers, and a $30 dimmer switch (our child now has the fanciest lights in the house) really adds up. Whomp whomp. We came home, got ready to paint, and then went for it! It took After all of that work, we realized a second coat was needed. RAWR. We called it a night, though. I made some baked shrimp for dinner. We relaxed on the couch. And then we put our exhausted selves to bed!

Sunday, we once again woke up, drank our coffee, and then went to work on the second day of our painting adventure. First, we had to wish happy father's day to our dads and a happy birthday to my sister :) We go to Home Depot to get our paint and the girl asked if we wanted primer mixed in. We then realized the girl the day before had failed to ask us that, which is why we were back to a second day of painting. That girl not only wasted $30 of our money, but hours of our time. In the words of my mom, she was a "dim-witted biatch." But, we went home, ate some margharita pizza for lunch, and then painted the second coat. Thank goodness the second coat didn't take as long. I then provided moral support while Josh switched out all of the outlets and installed the fancy dimmer switch. The room was then complete! We watched some "Pawn Stars" on the couch, took a new belly picture (to be featured on tomorrow's 17 week blog), and then Josh grilled us some steak skewers for dinner! SO yummy. However, the headache I had been battling since I woke up was in full force so I went to the bedroom to "take a nap" at 8:00. I woke up at 10:00 and decided it was time for bed, bahahahah. 

I woke up this morning feeling nasty, went back to sleep, thought I was better, set off to work half an hour late, realized my headache was not truly gone when I got to work, and now I'm sitting here going OUUCCHH. If it's not gone this afternoon, I'm definitely leaving early.

So, that was my weekend. Tune in tomorrow for another survey ;)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

16 Weeks!!

So, now that the baby news has gone public, I have decided to add a cute, cheesy, cool pregnancy survey to my blog! Tuesdays will be weekly survey days :) I don't hate Tuesdays as much as I hate Mondays, as they are one day closer to reaching the weekend again.  So, here's my first survey!

How far along: 16 Weeks.

Size of Baby: Size of an avocado.

Neat facts about baby: The baby can now hear my voice, thanks to small bones growing in his/her ears (I feel odd calling my baby an "it" on my blog, so his/her or he/she will have to do for now!). Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are starting for come in. The baby is forming taste buds so he/she can learn to love food as much as his/her mommy!

Total weight gain: As of last week, none. I'm at my normal weight. It's like it's all shifting up to my belly, which my bum is quite grateful for ;)

What I miss: I miss wine, but only when I see people drinking wine on TV (especially on Game of Thrones; they are constantly drinking wine, those meanies). I think I mostly miss drinking out of my wine glasses, so I occasionally drink my Sprite out of wine glasses for fun (they get so lonely and dusty in the bar with no use).

Sleep: Oh, how I love sleep! :) Sleep hasn't changed at all. I do get dizzy if I stand up quickly to let the dog out or help clean up cat puke (thanks, Tollie). I have read I'm not supposed to sleep on my back, and somehow I am constantly shifting onto my back without realizing it, so that's the only issue.

Symptoms: I actually don't really have any right now; I feel great! I do wake up nearly every morning with slight headaches, which is frustrating, but they're usually gone before I leave for work (I'm headache-y in general, so I'm not sure if the baby is actually to blame for that one). The growing belly is the only symptom at the moment!

Cravings/Aversions: I haven't really had cravings (although, I did just have to go get a brownie batter milkshake during my lunch break, so maybe they are there), but I definitely have food aversions. Chicken, why do you hate me so?

Gender: We should know by June (I typed June, not November - score!) 29th!!

Movement: I can't feel anything yet, although according to the doctor our baby is very active in there (we could hear him/her moving around last week when we heard the heartbeat), which is a good thing! "The Bump" tells me I may be able to feel the movements soon, so that will be exciting!

Maternity clothes: None of that yet, but I am sticking to loose shirts at the office. I haven't told them yet (seriously, such an awkward thing to bring up), so the little bump is being kept hidden.

Best moments this week: All of the Facebook love when I made the announcement (I never knew I was that popular), hearing the heartbeat last Tuesday, and further organizing/cleaning the house before the baby moves in!

What I'm looking forward to: We're probably painting the nursery this weekend (didn't find the time last weekend) so we can get the carpet replaced soon. And tomorrow, Josh has an appointment to get his windows tinted on the Altima. We have been wanting to get them done for a while, and in Florida most people have their windows tinted. We think it will be good for the baby to not have the Florida sun blasting down on them when they ride in Josh's daddy mobile. My mommy mobile Jeep is already tinted and ready :)

Milestones: Announcing the pregnancy to the world (well, the online world) last Tuesday!

Monday, June 11, 2012

I can't think of a title.

I just sat here trying to think of a witty, cute, fun title. Nope, no luck; that will have to do.

I had a very lovely weekend. Friday, I left work at 3:30 (YAY) and headed straight home after work. I had zero ideas for dinner, so we ended up going to Moe's. They do, supposedly, yell "welcome to Mooooooe's" when we walk in the door, but it's more of a weak, quiet, and wimpy "welcome to Moe's, whatever" type thing, which is why I love our Moe's so much - I had when they yell at me :( I got a vegetarian quesadilla (which is just cheese, tortilla, sour cream, and guacamole, and I LOVE IT). We just relaxed around the house for the rest of the night and did nothing productive, and it was amazing :D

Saturday, we had our relaxing coffee time and set off to clean the house. Josh scrubbed the bathrooms, dusted blinds, dusted fans, etc etc etc. I cleaned the kitchen from head to toe; even cleaned all of our appliances. Dudes, it was exhausting. After all of that, we treated ourselves to some Chick-fil-a. I ordered chicken nuggets. I ate like 4 of them. It was tragic. See, I have had this strange aversion to chicken since becoming pregger. It's sad, because I love chicken. But no worries, I loved my waffle fries, nom nom nom. After that, I took my very nerdy husband to see Prometheus. He loves, loves, loves the Alien trilogy, so he was so excited to see the movie. And, since we bought Alien on Blu-Ray recently, we got $10 off our tickets. SCORE! The movie was actually very good. Michael Fassbender was easily the best part of the movie. Then we stopped at Publix, spent too much money, and headed home! We enjoyed some brie (yes, made with pasteurized milk, okay for zee baby) and relaxed. Then, Josh made us some delicious steaks, and we relaxed some more. We're getting as much relaxing in as we can, while we can :)

Sunday, we decided to be productive while enjoying our coffee. Josh put together our second bookcase (YAY) while I went through our filing cabinet thinger mcbobber, getting rid of old documents, and adding new ones. It was a very productive morning! I then went on a random shopping mission while Josh "nerded" (video games, silly boys). We then decided to go through the boxes and boxes and boxes of books we have been hoarding in our garage. We donated some books, kept some books, and ended up deciding the majority of the books belonged in Josh's office. It's depressing to see how many books he had to buy for law school (which are wrapped into his student loans, so we're not only still paying for them, but paying for them with interest - ugh). We rewarded ourselves by eating some more brie, nom nom nom, and I drank some sparkling grape juice, sip sip sip. We then decided to take Josh's piles of law books to his office yesterday afternoon so he didn't have to carry the nasty boxes in his nice suits, and he needed to clean his new office. One of his coworkers is leaving so Josh claimed his office! This old coworker was not exactly clean, so Josh cleaned while I organized his books. Nerdy Kaitlin alphabetized his books by subject, bahahaha. He will have the most efficient office ever :) When we got home, I made some chicken broccoli casserole for dinner (I managed to eat the chicken - hooray!), organized our own bookshelves (I forgot to take a picture, grrr), we watched Myth Busters, I fell asleep on the couch around 8 (dude, organizing tons and tons of books is exhausting stuff), and Josh tucked me into bed at 9. Cool story, bro. I'm so old.

So that's my weekend - exciting stuff!

PS: I hate Mondays.

Left: Me being a goof. Right: FEAST! Bottom: Organization skills (don't worry, the ones stacked in the background we're his, bahaha)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oh, baby, baby!

YES! The news is finally public - we're having a baby! Joshua and I have known since St. Patrick's Day (no green beer for me this year, womp womp). Then we had to keep the secret to ourselves for about four weeks so I could tell my parents in person (and so we could have our first doctors appointment to confirm we weren't just imagining things); that was way back in mid-April! I have been wanting to blog about it since March, when we found out, but nobody wants to spill the beans too early :)

As of yesterday, I'm 15 weeks pregnant; the baby is the size of a naval orange! My due date is November 26th: a Thanksgiving baby! I was waiting until yesterday's 15 week appointment to make the announcement, just to make sure everything was okay. According to the doctor, the baby has a strong heartbeat and is moving around a lot :) Our next appointment is on June 29th... we'll have another ultrasound and *hopefully* learn the sex, woohoo!

So, I have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. I won't go into any details because, honestly, who cares? I was soooo tired during the first trimester, though. That was my only true, miserable symptom. Zero energy. However, I never once experienced any kind of sickness - THANK GOD! I think I got pretty lucky :) 

I hereby promise not to over-share pregnancy details online because, as I said before, who cares? I especially will not over-share on Facebook. I will not make every single status about pregnancy, I will not post pictures of every article of clothing purchased for the baby, and I will not share disgusting details with my 357 Facebook friends.

That's what my blog is for!

This weekend, we may paint the nursery :) Why so early, you may ask? Well, because when we moved into our house, our lovely puppy decided to rip up the carpet in our back bedroom, which is now about to be transformed into a nursery. We need to get the carpet fixed soon, and decided it's smart to paint first (as I'm a clumsy lady who tends to knock things over, and who wants paint on a brand new carpet?)! You gotta love lab puppies - crazy little things! We're thinking a nice, happy, yet not too bright, yellow. 

Soooo, here's a 15-week bump picture to get things rolling. Not much to see yet. I haven't gained any weight yet; apparently it's just shifting to my belly (my bum says thank you, baby, for that!). My little canine children look so well behaved in this photo... I don't know how that happened :)

15 WEEKS! <3

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday, Monday, gotta blog on Monday.

So, this weekend was a nice, relaxing, quiet weekend, so there's not really much to blog about. But these blogs are a weekly ritual in a way, so I am going to ramble anyway.

Joshua and I decided Friday night was pizza night, so we went to Momo's (nom nom nom). We each got the buffalo chicken pizza which we have recently become obsessed with. It was amazing, as suspected. We then headed home and relaxed on the bed. Josh said he was going to take a quick nap, claiming his beer made him tired (we are so old). I then agreed that I wanted to nap, too. This happened at 8:30 (do not judge). I proceed to wake up at 10:15, sitting up, my glasses still on, with a sleeping Joshua beside me, and two dogs also passed out on the bed. Pathetic, guys, we are truly pathetic. I then grabbed my phone, sat in bed and played "Words with Friends" for a while, and then gave up and just collapsed into bed. We are 26/27 going on 86/87, I swear.

So, Saturday, I woke up at 6:30 because I just could not sleep any longer. I am such a cool kid. Saturday was an amazingly lazy day. I got a couple pictures printed of the pups (they'll go on our new bookshelves once the other one comes in), and then shopped around for frames. We grilled bratwurst for lunch, hung around the house doing lazy people things, and then grilled steaks for dinner (we all know the food is the important part of these blogs, bahahaha). We then watched "Wedding Crashers" and called it a night. Yes, we stayed up way past 8:30 Saturday night.

Sunday, we were more productive. We headed over to World Market to see if our bookshelves happened to come in, because we really want to set up the living room - fail, nope, they're not in... efffers! Oh well, the plus side of this is Chipotle is in the same shopping center as World Market, so a chicken burrito bowl was miiiiine! Josh was happy because Best Buy is also in that shopping center, so "Alien" on Blu-Ray was his. After all of this, we went to the mall, bought Josh some new black work shoes, got me some new eyeliner from the new Sephora, and then headed home. I made Josh stop and get me a  frappuccino... I got hungry again! Mmmm, chocolate. We then went home, watched Alien (I give it a 4 out of 5 stars - good movie, just too slow for my taste), hung out, did laundry, and ate grilled bratwurst again (nom nom nom).  Then it was a relaxing evening!

So, that's it folks... my unexciting, yet amazing, weekend. It's reaching 99 degrees here today; I plan to stay inside as much as possible.