So, now that the baby news has gone public, I have decided to add a cute, cheesy, cool pregnancy survey to my blog! Tuesdays will be weekly survey days :) I don't hate Tuesdays as much as I hate Mondays, as they are one day closer to reaching the weekend again. So, here's my first survey!
How far along: 16 Weeks.
Size of Baby: Size of an avocado.
Neat facts about baby: The baby can now hear my voice, thanks to small bones growing in his/her ears (I feel odd calling my baby an "it" on my blog, so his/her or he/she will have to do for now!). Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are starting for come in. The baby is forming taste buds so he/she can learn to love food as much as his/her mommy!
Total weight gain: As of last week, none. I'm at my normal weight. It's like it's all shifting up to my belly, which my bum is quite grateful for ;)
What I miss: I miss wine, but only when I see people drinking wine on TV (especially on Game of Thrones; they are constantly drinking wine, those meanies). I think I mostly miss drinking out of my wine glasses, so I occasionally drink my Sprite out of wine glasses for fun (they get so lonely and dusty in the bar with no use).
Sleep: Oh, how I love sleep! :) Sleep hasn't changed at all. I do get dizzy if I stand up quickly to let the dog out or help clean up cat puke (thanks, Tollie). I have read I'm not supposed to sleep on my back, and somehow I am constantly shifting onto my back without realizing it, so that's the only issue.
Symptoms: I actually don't really have any right now; I feel great! I do wake up nearly every morning with slight headaches, which is frustrating, but they're usually gone before I leave for work (I'm headache-y in general, so I'm not sure if the baby is actually to blame for that one). The growing belly is the only symptom at the moment!
Cravings/Aversions: I haven't really had cravings (although, I did just have to go get a brownie batter milkshake during my lunch break, so maybe they are there), but I definitely have food aversions. Chicken, why do you hate me so?
Gender: We should know by June (I typed June, not November - score!) 29th!!
Movement: I can't feel anything yet, although according to the doctor our baby is very active in there (we could hear him/her moving around last week when we heard the heartbeat), which is a good thing! "The Bump" tells me I may be able to feel the movements soon, so that will be exciting!
Maternity clothes: None of that yet, but I am sticking to loose shirts at the office. I haven't told them yet (seriously, such an awkward thing to bring up), so the little bump is being kept hidden.
Best moments this week: All of the Facebook love when I made the announcement (I never knew I was that popular), hearing the heartbeat last Tuesday, and further organizing/cleaning the house before the baby moves in!
What I'm looking forward to: We're probably painting the nursery this weekend (didn't find the time last weekend) so we can get the carpet replaced soon. And tomorrow, Josh has an appointment to get his windows tinted on the Altima. We have been wanting to get them done for a while, and in Florida most people have their windows tinted. We think it will be good for the baby to not have the Florida sun blasting down on them when they ride in Josh's daddy mobile. My mommy mobile Jeep is already tinted and ready :)
Milestones: Announcing the pregnancy to the world (well, the online world) last Tuesday!