Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The fan club is angry.

I have been notified by a certain person, whose name I will not mention, just that her name starts with a J and ends with an essica, that I have been slacking. My dearest apologies, but life is quite boring. I wake up, drink coffee, get ready for work, work, make dinner, eat, watch Six Feet Under, shower, sleep, repeat.

Although, we finished Six Feet Under last night, which was very sad. What the heck are we going to do with our lives now? We're lost and confused.

I am planning a vacation to Panama City Beach! Josh takes a CLE there on Friday, May 20th, so I'm tagging along. Priceline, please get us good hotel prices, thanks!


So, I have to get back to work now, oops! Bye everyone :)


  1. you keep saying "CLE" but I have no idea what it means!!

  2. When you mention your "daily grind," you fail to mention the immense number of times you dine out! Bwhahahahahahaha!

  3. JBOND LOVES FOODMay 3, 2011 at 6:41 PM

    LOL...love the comment from The Mom.

  4. Omg I figured out how to reply on my phone.

    Mom, I would say you're crazy, but we are on our way to chipotle now...

