Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday is the Bomb Diggity.

Daz waz uppp.

I have an exciting day ahead of me! Well, exciting to me at least :)
  • Lunch date with the hubby
  • I'm currently in jeans at work
  • Leaving work at 3:30, hooray!
  • There's a freaking carnival in town
  • When I get home, I'll have a FedEx package from the mom waiting for me
  • I get to play Chef Kaitlin tonight, just can't decide on a meal (ideas????)
  • There is a possibility of some quality beach time next weekend
  • Next week is a 4-day work week for me, hellz yeah!
That's all I can think of now :) On the downside, our freaking cats are still fighting. They had a major fight at 1:30am, knocking things over and hissing. UGH. Tonight, I am having a counseling session in the bathroom with those two. I will sit in there with them until they sort out their differences. Unless they scratch me. Then it's war.

1 comment:

  1. Dad says he thinks Tollie is homesick (I guess you know what he means by that....)

    ~The Mom
