I realize I haven't blogged in a LONG TIME. Oopsies!! Here's a quick update on all things us (well, mostly all things Caroline because I know that's who everyone really cares about). I haven't blogged since late May, holy moly! Since May, we have had many adventures.
In June, we took a trip to Clearwater, where Caroline got to spend time with her Nan and great grandparents. For once, we actually visited Clearwater when we were all healthy! (One time we visited Josh and I both got food poisoning, and another time we visited we both had horrible sinus infections and I had no voice). Caroline loved spending time in Clearwater, going to the beach, going to the aquarium in Tampa, and hanging out with Josh's Aunt Lori's awesome dogs.
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Tampa Aquarium with Great Grandma and Nan! |
We also celebrated Father's Day in June! I made Josh a Shutterfly photo book filled with pictures of him and his girl. He says it's the best gift he could have gotten. WIN! We had a great Father's Day lunch at BJ's Brewhouse (want some inappropriate humor? BJ's Brewhouse is in the same parking lot as Dick's Sporting Goods, hardy har har!).
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Father's Day lunch with fatty food and a pitcher of beer! |
Caroline also experienced a very important milestone in every girl's life: her first Starbucks drink! She had a very berry hibiscus refresher (or whatever that darn drink is called) and clearly loved it. She was more excited that there was a mermaid on her drink.
Another not-blogged-about-holiday was the 4th of July! Caroline did great marching in her school's 4th of July parade. She spoke for weeks about "I march, mommy, I march." We skipped fireworks this year because 1. the traffic is always awful afterward and 2. it was past Caroline's (and let's be honest, mommy's) bed time.
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I can't stand the cuteness. |
Caroline had swim lessons in July and August and was very "eh" about the whole thing. I think she likes swimming, but not being told how to swim. Mommy did the first two lessons with her and, well, it didn't go so smoothly. Daddy did the third lesson, and mommy had to sit on the side of the pool because apparently Caroline missed me so much when I was all the way in the lounge chairs. Daddy did the fourth lesson solo, which was her best lesson yet but, unfortunately, was also the last lesson. We'll do more lessons next year for sure, and hopefully her mermaid instinct will kick in.
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She may not have enjoyed her lessons, but she looked freaking cute. |
Some super exciting news is CAROLINE IS POTTY TRAINED! Well, about 95% potty trained because the pooping on the potty is still an issue at times (TMI, I know), but potty trained enough that diapers are a thing of the past (except for bed time to be safe, though she never goes in the diaper so that will soon be in the past, as well). It took a while and a lot (A LOT) of patience, but she got it and we are super proud of her.
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That is the happy face of a girl who pooped in the potty. |
In August, Josh and I celebrated five years of marriage. In other words, holy cow WE'RE OLD. I remember our wedding like it was yesterday, so it's crazy to think it's been that long. We have done a lot in those five years.... adopted a puppy, bought a house, had a baby, bought an awesome Jeep, and rocked at being parents (if we do say so ourselves). We had a very nice date at a local restaurant, Cypress. It's upscale, so we have never dared bringing Caroline there, and it was AMAZING.
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Just a couple of old married folk out for a super early dinner followed by coffee. |
Earlier this month, Caroline had her first ballet class. I have been so excited for this day. I grew up going to dance classes and loved it so much. Her first class went great... once we got her in the door! Thank goodness Josh came, too, because he's the one who managed to get her in the door (she is super mommy-clingy sometimes, so getting her off of me was a struggle. Then, once we got her in, one of her friends had to go potty, she spotted me when the door opened, sprinted out of the class, and Josh had to get her to go back in again. She loved the class, though, and the second week went MUCH smoother. She tried to break into the big girls' ballet class because she was so excited. The blinds were open the second week and we loved watching her. She was following directions, checking herself out in the mirror, and looked so big. She's one of the youngest in the class (mostly three and four year olds), but one of the biggest ones. She's a beautiful ballerina.
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She was actually super fussy and daddy magically got a happy photo - mad skills, bro. |
SO, those are our "life events" since my last post. So, now let's just chat about how AWESOME our munchkin is.
She is so smart, guys. She knows her colors, knows her shapes, can count to ten (and beyond when she's feeling brave), knows her alphabet, and knows just about every animal I can think of and what sounds they make. We're working on helping her recognize letters and numbers, so hopefully she'll rock that soon, too. She knows tons of songs and can sing some, like twinkle twinkle little star, perfectly.
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Just being big and not needing mommy's help anymore (tears). |
She is still enormous. I no longer shop in the toddler section; she wears child's XS and S, which is really big for a kid her age (I mean, I buy her clothes where the training bras are WTF). When we tell people she's two we get crazy looks and they say, "she's really only two?" as if we're lying or forgot how old she is. When I took her to the dentist, they asked if she needed a slip for missing kindergarten that morning. I love my giant.
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Best friends. |
Ellie is still her best friend in the entire world. The love this girl has for her dog is incredible. She loves all our animals so much, but Ellie is her favorite and is SO patient with her. It's amazing.
Caroline loves princesses (currently obsessed with Mulan and Pocahontas), My Little Pony, mermaids, DRESSES (anything not a dress is "pajamas), lego castles, watering our plants, bath time (with a million toys surrounding her), making mommy and daddy color while she watches, cheese sandwiches in her lunch pretty much every day, walking around the house completely naked (she lives a clothes optional lifestyle these days), reading books before bed, sneaking into mommy and daddy's bed and then kicking daddy all night, playing with her friends at school, cooking us meals in her play kitchen, video chatting with family, playgrounds, dipping everything in ketchup (literally, all foods), hugging her pets, eating pancakes with mommy or daddy at school every morning, driving race cars around the grocery store, sneaking up to scare mommy and daddy, and so much more. The girl is so happy, so full of life, so funny, so sweet, and makes her mommy and daddy so incredibly happy.
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Caroline Quinn, you are simply AMAZING, munchkin. |