Here's a random post to update everyone on all things Caroline Quinn related. I once again abandoned my blog (fail, Kaitlin, FAIL). I like to write down what's going on with Caroline to keep everyone updated on her antics, and because I just don't want to forget any special moments! SO, enjoy my random ramblings and her pretty little face.
She is still a girly girl in the funniest way. She puts her lipstick (chapstick) on before school every day, she is very picky about whether each day is a ponytail day, a pigtail day, or a "mommy no tails" day. She is still very, very into dresses and pants are still an epic struggle. Luckily, the weather is starting to get warmer down here so I have been able to send her to school in dresses with no leggings or pants. That has helped with our morning spats. She is SO SO SO picky about what shoes she wears. She is obsessed with her kitty cat shoes. She wakes up asking for them, has insisted on going to bed in them, and throws a fit when we don't have them for her. Such a princess sassy pants!
She loves her movies, especially any involving princesses, and loves narrating them for me. Her current favorite is Brave, she has moved out of her Little Mermaid phase, she still loves Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, adores Rapunzel, and has given mommy and daddy a nice break from weekly Frozen screenings. She also loves The Incredibles, though her favorite character is the villain which is a bit odd.
We are working hard on the whole potty training thing but are trying not to pressure her too much. I keep hoping each pack of diapers I buy will be the last pack of diapers I buy, but she's just not quite there yet. It's like she's right on the edge of being potty trained but we need to just keep working. She loves sitting on the potty both at home and at school, it's just actually using the potty that she hasn't gotten quite yet. Oh well, like I said, we're not stressing over it and not stressing her out over it. She'll get there when she's ready!
She is getting much better about sleeping in her own bed. She loves falling asleep in our bed, which I don't mind. I get to sit next to her and do my crossword puzzles (yes, I'm a nerd) and get nighttime snuggles. We move her to our bed but she often migrates into our bed for her last hour of sleep. Hey, more added snuggles so we don't mind..... until she kicks.... and steals the covers.... and takes over mommy's side of the bed. How can you get mad at this face, though?
We have been very lucky to have amazing weather down here and she loves going for walks. All weekend she would come up to me and say, "walk, mommy!" We took a lot of walks in the wagon and in the stroller. She likes pulling the wagon herself and pushing the stroller herself while walking beside her mommy. Her daddy joined us for a long walk around our block (that's 1.5 miles of wagon tugging) which she loved, but I think she was mad at us for not letting her pull the wagon the whole way. She is also getting really great at riding her tricycle and has learned how the pedals work. Now we just need to work on her steering!
We all had a really wonderful Valentine's Day. Caroline and mommy went on a date to Books a Million and Panera while daddy built new front steps. Sometimes Caroline-Mommy outings end in chaos but she was SO good for me. We then spent the afternoon supervising daddy as he completed the steps - best Valentine's Day present a gal could ask for. Then we went on a date without Caroline. We don't get those often! We went to a charity event for dinner and drinks... ended up being us and a bunch of old people which made for some fantastic people watching, which is one of our favorite activities. We then had fun grabbing coffee at Starbucks (on campus so we went from being the youngest people in one room to the oldest people in another). It was a very nice and needed date night!
Caroline is getting so good at speaking. Instead of just saying "please" or "thank you" she'll say "thank you, mommy" or "please, daddy." When we are reading books (she loves books right now which makes us so happy), she can point out and tell us what almost every item in every picture is. Especially animals! She is really good at all of the animal names. We are working on her counting. She can count to ten but getting her to focus on counting to ten is a struggle (stubborn little girl); it often comes out "1.. 2.. 3.. 5.. 7.. 8.. 10!" Now, the ABC's are her enemy... she knows them but for some reason hates singing them. She does love singing through. She'll say, "sing, mommy?" So I'll tell her what to sing about. I'll tell her to sing about Ellie and she'll go, "ELLIE laaaalaaaa loooo was laaaaa ELLIE." It's PRICELESS!
We love taking Caroline to the park. She is so big at the park. She can climb ladders that the big kids struggle with, she pulls us around the playground and gets us to go down the slides with her, and sometimes she'll even play with other kids. I am so glad the warm weather is upon us so we can spend more time at the park. We want to start taking her on the walking trails, too. I am thinking about even packing us a picnic lunch and spending an entire day at the park.
Caroline's current favorite foods are eggs and bacon, macaroni and cheese, goldfish, black olives, apple sauce, waffles, and yogurt covered raisins. The other night was leftover night for Caroline and Daddy and salmon night for Mommy. Caroline had other plans and ate most of her mommy's amazing salmon. It was a tragic night for me, but we were so proud of her for eating salmon! She loves chicken and pork chops, too, especially if there's a dipping sauce! She still won't touch anything sweet and gets so offended when we offer her anything dessert related. It's hilarious!
Ellie is still Caroline's absolute best friend in the entire world. This morning, she was reading a book to Ellie. She turned it to face Ellie and said, "Ellie! Look! Snowman! Hat! Eyes!" and was showing her everything in the book; it was incredibly sweet. She adores her Wrangler but he is still a grump around her. You would think with all the food she gives him he would love her more, but he's a stubborn old man. Caroline adores both of the kitties and they are so sweet and patient with her, it's amazing.
Welp, that's it for now! I want to be better about keeping up with my blog and documenting our crazy little girl. I always say that and then neglect it, but it's my blog and I'll do what I want :)