Baby is napping and the boy is away so, you guessed it, I'm blogging!
Sadly, it has mostly just been me and my Caroline this weekend. Poor Josh has a big trial this week that he has been preparing for, and he has spent the majority of the weekend at the office. He's so overworked and so under appreciated by the people he represents. My Irishman won't even get to enjoy St. Patrick's Day this year because it's a jury selection day. Laaaame.
Anywho, Caroline and I have had shopping and park adventures! The shopping adventures have been wonderful one minute and awful the other… once she decides she's done in the stroller she lets it be known… it is accompanied by "no mommy, I don't want to be held either" and "I'm going to run to that magical moving contraption" (escalator, ugh); people stare… it's not pretty. We had a difficult mall outing yesterday and a difficult Babies R Us outing today. Oh, toddlerhood. Look at these adorable photos I got pre-mall-tantrum yesterday:

After the mall meltdown of '14, we went to the park to play and relax before meeting daddy for lunch. She had a BLAST as always. She is getting so independent. She still likes for us to come on the playground with her, and will hold our hand on some of the bigger steps. But she can also climb the steps to the sliding board, get in sliding position, and push herself down completely on her own. The only time she needs our help is to get back on the ground. It makes me happy and breaks my heart at the same time because she's such a big girl! I'm so proud of her, but can't believe how fast she's growing :)
She even let me push her on the swings for a while yesterday while she watched the big kids play. She actually doesn't enjoy swinging unless it's in our laps, but yesterday she seemed relaxed. I love looking at that adorable blonde fuzz while she swings :)
After the park, we met daddy for lunch and came home for a nap. We then headed back out to chase bubbles and play with the dogs in the backyard. She had a blast!!
Sorry the back of our house is so ugly, bwhahahahaha! |
Daddy then got home and made us burgers. He was greeted with a HUGE Caroline smile and hug. She gives the BEST hugs. Sadly, he had to work again today but he just texted that he's on his way home now. I know a little one that will be very happy to see her daddy when she wakes up from her nap :)
I'm SUPER excited for our two upcoming summer vacations: In May, we're going to Lake Lure in North Carolina with my family. In August, we're going to the Outer Banks with Josh's family. I know a lot of people that are looking forward to the famous Caroline hugs :) Her high fives are getting quite fantastic, as well. I was told by the owner of Caroline's daycare that Caroline's high fives are impressively enthusiastic.
Also, a shoutout to my BFF-FoodFriend4Life, who had her ADORABLE baby this weekend. Caroline can't wait to meet her future BFF Jack - he's perfectttt :)