Worst blogger ever Kaitlin has abandoned her blog. In my defense, I have been busy since my last day of work celebration post.
The Wednesday and most-of-the-day Thursday following that post were filled with me cleaning the disaster that was our home office! I'm working from home, so I need a productive area to work in. Our office was far from that; it was more of a storage area slash Josh gaming area. I successfully turned it into an office area slash Josh gaming area (hey, when you only have three bedrooms, some rooms need to be hybrids).
Then that Thursday, I flew to DC to spend the weekend with my favorite Rose gals, and see lots of my friends for a super fun event! Us gals had SO MUCH FUN tourist-ing in DC. We went to the National Archives where we chose Allison's tagline for her future Match.com (even though my brain fart mind has forgotten it) (
edit: I have been informed by my sister it was "no idiots, criminals, or paupers.") and checked out the hotties that signed the Declaration of Independence. We then had a nice lunch in the art park (I know it has a more formal name, but I want to call it the art park), where we watched people figure skate. Our favorite was the gliding woman who had dramatic hand motions for each movement she made. She's my new hero, that gliding woman. We then made our way over to the National Gallery of Art where I found my new boyfriend (he was nakie… and stone), said "awww" every time we spotted a dog in a painting, and were basically the coolest tourists ever. It's important to note, we ate some fantastic food while in DC - thai food downstairs from my sister's apartment (sushi nom nom nom), tapas a La Tasca in Chinatown (fried zucchini, steak, scallops nom nom nom) complete with a three-round Happy Hour, and an amazing dinner at Clyde's in Chinatown (oysters nom nom nom). It was a wonderful trip and it was so good to spend quality time with my mom and my sister. My husband was awesome enough to watch Caroline in Florida so she didn't have to make the trip to DC. We're lucky girls having a guy willing to do something like that :)

So, I got back Sunday afternoon and started my new job the next morning. I've been trying to be very good about focusing on doing my work and not letting my mind stray (which happens often working from home… so much around the house I could be working on), which is why I haven't blogged. I have a slow morning since I got a lot done yesterday afternoon, so I have a chance to sneak in a quick blog while I drink my coffee. I really like my new job! The people I work with are more "my kind of people" than the ones at my old job. We actually meet up quite often to work together. So far, I've had two coffee meet ups and two breakfast meet ups (free coffee and breakfasts are a job perk, according to my boss.. heck yes!). It's a good way to catch up on work and have social time while chatting with my coworkers. I have probably chatted more with my new boss these last two weeks than I ever did with my old boss the entire three years I worked at my law firm; it's refreshing. Working from home is nice - the animals truly appreciate it. On gorgeous days, I have always wished I could move my desk outside to work. Yesterday, a sunny, 77 degree day, I actually sat on the porch with my laptop for a bit while working on a spreadsheet. YES!
So, in this entry I have been depriving you of the one thing I know everyone
really cares about - Caroline!!! I know she's why everyone reads ;) She's doing SO WELL. She is a pro at waving, loves carrying her duck purse around the house and blowing kisses, can now climb on and off of the couch on her own, and is still the tallest toddler at her daycare. She is SO interactive and actually plays games with us now. She likes getting the mail with me. She follows me down the driveway (although never catches up since I walk so much quicker than her), watches me get the mail, and as soon as I close the mailbox she giggles, turns around, and starts walking back up the driveway because she knows our mission is complete. She's still a bath time enthusiast; she likes throwing every bottle in the tub into the water and then placing them back on the ledge. Every time she gets one on the ledge we clap for her, so she claps too and smiles… best game ever. She is SUCH SUCH SUCH a happy little girl. She loves to read (she points at things on the page and goes "dadadadada" (she's obsessed with the "d" sound lately) mimicking how I read to her). She can now put her building blocks together to create things. She's great at her shape sorter. She made friends in the Chickfila play area (she is so social). And her artwork from daycare keeps getting better by the week. I love my toddler SO MUCH.
Here are some Caroline pictures to make your day brighter <3