This was Caroline's happy little face while in the waiting room at her pediatrician's office. Her daddy was holding her, she was blowing bubbles and cooing, an older boy was hitting on her and calling her "baby," and all was right with the world. Then, they called her name.
We took her back and stripped her down to her "panties" (diaper). How embarrassing! They then weigh her. This was okay because there were airplanes spinning above her (a mobile). 12 pounds 6 ounces (78 percentile)! Next, they measured her length, which gave her a chance to stretch her lady muscles. Twenty three and a quarter inches (80 percentile). Then, they measured her head, which seemed to be fine to her. Thirty nine centimeters (70 percentile). That was all so fun for her, although she did not like only wearing her "panties."
Back to the room we went. Mommy carried her to a poster on the wall and showed her all the different insects. Daddy carried her around and gave her kisses. The nice doctor came in, called her a perfect baby and said she was a keeper, and gave mommy free samples of formula (she says it's not as good as her milk machine's milk, but it's okay sometimes). Everything was well and good.
Then, the nurse came in. All hell broke loose. She laid on the table smiling and cooing, her daddy and mommy holding her hands. And then gives her the oral vaccine. That wasn't so bad. But then...... three shots. OH MY GOSH THE SCREAMS. There were sounds coming out of my poor girl that I have not yet heard. Her face was bright red. She squeezed our fingers. IT. WAS. TERRIBLE. Everyone prepared us for it and holy cow they were right. My poor girl was soooo sad.
We quickly dressed her, checked out, and rushed the crying lady out to the car. I nursed her immediately, which seemed to calm her down. She and I then started the drive to Target to get her baby pain reliever and she SCREAMED the entire time. I nursed her again in the Target parking lot and she fell asleep. So, Target was a breeze!
We got home and she had to eat once again (she takes after her mom) and then she sat on the floor with me to look through a box filled with amazing hand-me-downs from her second cousin, Lena. (Thank you, Margaret!!). She is currently swinging but not sleeping. I thought these vaccines were supposed to make them tired? Not my little girl. She is wide awake!
So, it was not a fun experience. I wish we could have delayed the vaccines until she was a bit earlier, but with her going to daycare in three weeks (don't even get me started on how much I am dreading that, oh my gosh), they're necessary!
Sorry, Caroline Quinn, I promise we weren't trying to torment you <3