Monday, April 30, 2012

I will not complain about Monday.

The title is a lie. I will complain about Monday. It sucks.

This weekend was wonderful, though! Nice and relaxing :) It started with a Friday night Panera date. Sitting outside and people watching while eating a yummy bowl of clam chowder: my ideal, old lady/married couple Friday night outing! Then it was home to relax on the couch, watch some One Tree Hill while Josh watched Scrubs (Netflix, you're awesome) on the couch, and then bed at old lady/married couple bedtime. It was awesome!

Saturday was productive day. We cleaned up around the house (much overdue as last weekend's headache kind of destroyed any chance of productiveness) and finally unpacked from the beach, bwhahaha. We got a Hungry Howie's pizza for lunch, and then headed home to do some yard work. I trimmed the hedges, while Josh cleaned out the gutters. Josh used caulk to mend one of the gutters. Of course, immature jokes about the sound of the word "caulk" ensued. It was fun.

However, while we were being productive outside, we kept hearing crazy laughs/cries/yells/gibberish, etc. We glance next door to discover it's our crazy neighbor. Oh, dear, guys. This guys' house sticks out like a sore thumb in our neighborhood. Everyone else takes great care of their houses, their lawns, their cars, etc. Our neighbor's house is falling apart, a rusty old car sits in the front yard, enormous antennas line the back of his house as if he's in the CIA, and his backyard is covered in blue tarp. We have always been weirded out by our neighbor, but he has always seemed to act okay. Until Saturday. We had heard these laughs/cries/yells/gibberish sounds at about 5am Saturday morning (Ellie was protecting us from them by growling on the bed), but thought nothing of them. Well, this dude is legit crazy and must have been off some kind of meds. He was crawling, yes crawling like a baby, down his driveway while letting out his laughs/cries/yells/gibberish sounds. He was scratching his head repeatedly. He was punching his rusty car and yelling at it telling it to stop. I figured out the weird sounds he was repeating was actually, "welllll noooo fuuuuuck." Oh, dear, guys. Oh, freaking, dear. He was freaking me out. Needless to say, we made sure to lock and deadbolt all of our doors that night. Creepy mofo

Anyways, Saturday night, Josh went to the store to get stuff from dinner. He came back with two amazing NY strips, some chocolate muffins for Sunday morning, and some lovely flowers - good husband :) The steaks were amazing

Sunday was super lazy day! We did a little more cleaning, but mostly lazed around the house. I went out in search of a mail sorter, as our dining room table is always covered in bills, but was unsuccessful. I did come back with a new collar and leash combo for Mr. Wrangler, and a new bra for myself from Target, woop woop! That's a success :) We grilled out again for dinner (mmm chicken) and then had a lazy night.

I <3 lazy weekends!

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Happy Monday" is a LIE!

Anyone who says, "Happy Monday," is full of bologna. There is no such thing. Okay, maybe last Monday was a happy one because I was on vacation and far from the office, but this Monday is not happy. Here I was having a lovely, relaxing weekend, and Monday, once again, so rudely interrupts it. So, "Lousy Monday, guys!!!"

Actually, this weekend was kind of bleh. I had an obnoxious headache which showed up Friday afternoon and didn't peace out until late Monday morning. It kind of put a damper on an otherwise nice weekend.

Friday, I went straight home after work and collapsed on the couch, surrounded by four very concerned pets. Josh was a good husband and picked up dinner on his way home - spinach and feta pizza, nom nom nom. We watched "Hot Tub Time Machine," which was actually pretty awesome! And then, my headache won the battle, and it was off to bed at 9:30 for this cool kid.

Saturday, I woke up with the same exact headache in the same exact spot; effer! However, I refused to let it win again, so I went on with my day. We had a Chipotle lunch, and then headed to the movies to see "Cabin in the Woods." It was pretty awesome. We went in completely cold, knowing nothing about the movie, not having watched any trailers, because we were told that was the best way to see it. It was nothing like we had expected, and was totally awesome. I ate a bag of sour patch kids during the movie; that was awesome. Then it was back home for some awesome laziness as, of course, the headache returned! We had a lazy dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup, and spent the night watching "Hardcore Pawn." Note: do not fall asleep on the couch with a headache while watching this show. I had dreams all night where I was trying to pawn my headache. It was a lousy night sleep, bahaha! 

Sunday, I realized that trying to pawn my headache in my dreams must have been unsuccessful, as I woke up with the same headache. RAWR! It finally went away mid-morning and I went on with my day. VICTORY! We had more pizza for lunch, had a relaxing afternoon, and ate some honey mustard fried onion chicken and brussel sprouts for dinner; always a tasty meal :) I watched the first few episodes of "One Tree Hill" on Netflix, and it is just as awesomely angsty as I had remembered. Then it was "Once Upon a Time" time and it was AWESOME.

And now I'm here. At work. Womp womp!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pictures from vacation.

I finally got my computer to cooperate and upload my pictures, so I wanted to post a few of my favorites from vacation here :) 

(Okay, great, now Blogger isn't cooperating.)

... 5 minutes... ugh... this is annoying...

(Finally just got it to work!)









As I had suspected, I had two very happy pups when I got home last night. Josh had gotten them from the kennel earlier in the day! They wagged their tails, shook their bums, and wouldn't leave our side the entire night. Ellie slept on the bed wedged in between me and Josh; she didn't even wake me up for her usual 1am bathroom break... she was a happy lady. Wrangler slept at the foot of the bed. He's a bit too big to be squeezing between his parents :) As much as I super, super, super miss vacation and the beach, the one positive is having all of my sweet little children back home!

Here's my teeny bopper moment: I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH REVENGE TONIGHT OMG WTF TTYL LOL EEEEEEEEEE! Because I was too sleepy to stay awake to watch it last night - such an old lady, y'all!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reality, you suck.

Well, we are back from vacation. Boooooooo! I could have used at least another few days... make that weeks... make that months... screw it, make that years! 

We discovered the Crystal Coast with my parents. This is the area south of the Outer Banks. We had an amazing time :) It's always good catching up with my family, because it has been way too long since I last saw them! We had an amazing time eating great food (shrimp scampi, pancakes, chicken parmesan, scallops wrapped in bacon, burgers, brownie bites, nom nom nom (not all at the same time)), going on day adventures (sitting on the beach playing with jelly fish, shopping in Beaufort and staring at our dream homes, meeting a cute golden retriever in Swansboro and trying our best not to steal him, picnicking on the Core Sound and going to a museum, touring Fort Macon and then watching the yachts sail in, etc. etc. etc.), and just relaxing and spending some quality time together in our evening pants ;) bahahahaha

However, the return from a lovely vacation is always so sad. The trip yesterday was long and boring and sad. The kitties were very happy to see us last night, though. Parker had a lot to tell us, as always. I tried uploading photos last night, but both my laptop and Facebook were uncooperative, so that task will be completed tonight... hopefully! Work today has been.... work. Ugh. Josh picked up the pups during lunch, so I'm very excited to see them tonight!! I missed them! Hopefully Miss Ellie isn't too traumatized by the kennel :)

Thanks to my mom and dad for letting us tag along on vacation; we had a wonderful time! I can't wait for my trip to VA next month for Allison's college graduation (my gosh, that makes me feel old). And hopefully later in the summer we'll make it up to the NC beaches again to tag along on Josh's parents vacation.

Someone visit us. Thanks. Bye. I'll feed you.

PS: I'm so hungry right now, guys, and I ate two hours ago. Ugh.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Why can't Monday stay away?

Seriously. Why does Monday always insist on showing up and ruining perfectly good weekends? Doesn't it ever take a vacation? Monday, in the words of Donald Trump, you're fired.

Well, anyway, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Ours was wonderfully relaxing :) Friday, I had off work, and had a lovely day of doing absolutely nothing of importance. I did meet Josh, Karen, and Zach for a Panera feast. Speaking of which, Panera has gotten so expensive. Back in college, when I was a true Panera addict, I could get a beautiful salad and a soda for $8.00. They now charge $8.00 for a bowl of macaroni and cheese. Really? Inconceivable. 

Saturday was a truly lazy, magnificent day. The highlight of the day was getting a new bikini top for the beach this weekend. Thanks to sales and coupons, I paid $11 for a reversible top. Cha-ching! I don't even think we did anything else truly productive on Saturday. Just relaxed. Pretty amazing :)

Sunday was Easter, of course! The Easter Bunny drove me to a lovely brunch at Chez Pierre, a local restaurant which is, sadly, closing at the end of the month after 35 years of service. So, we went there one last time. It was delicious. I got a veggie omelet (with spinach, tomato, and melted gouda) with a side of potatoes and bacon (hey, I need to get the protein somewhere). Josh got a yummy looking belgium waffle with fruit compote, a side of potatoes, and sausage. Now, this was all delicious, but the dessert was the BEST PART. A chocolate mousse cake. Mmm Mmm Mmm. Behold, my food:

After brunch, we worked off our calories with a nice walk around the block with the doggies :) It was fun. Then they had a panting party on the floor. The rest of the day was, you guessed it, more laziness and relaxation.

Now, I just have to make it through Thursday and then it's OFF TO THE BEACH!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My miniature furballs.

The kittens read my last blog, and felt very left out, since I posted a picture of the pups and not them. They wanted to show everyone that they look beautiful with my new camera, as well. (Yes, I am very strange, and am pretending my cats can actually log onto the internet, read my blog, and tell me how they felt about it. Haters to the left)

My name is Parker and I am very handsome. I like to lay around,
stand at the garage door and meow to go outside, and then lay around some more.
My life consists of being really cute and using it to my advantage to get away with anything.
I'm a nudist and refuse to wear collars.  I love everyone and everything. "Barrrrrrow!"

My name is Tollie and I am a pretty, shiny girl. I'm the HBIC in this household
(for those who don't know, that means "Head Bitch In Charge").
My big brother, Wrangler, is terrified of me; I often corner him into the bathroom where he hides.
That obnoxious puppy, Ellie, always tries to play with me and lick me;
hellz no, puppy, you had better back off! "Squeak!"
 Can you tell it's a slow day at the office??

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hi there, Tuesday.

I like this week because Friday is a holiday. And four day work weeks make me happy. Next week is also a four day work week because Friday we're driving to THE BEACH! Can't you just sense the excitement? And the week after that will be a three day work week, weeeeeee!

I'm very excited for the beach. I haven't seen the parents since New Years, so I'm excited to spend time with them :) And, of course, it's THE BEACH! I haven't spent time with a beach since last summer, so this is long overdue. We'll be there Friday through Tuesday! We have to board the poor doggies; this will be Ellie's first time being boarded. At least she'll have Mr. Wrangler :) The kittens will stay home, and their Auntie Karen will take care of them; yay!

This weekend was very nice and very relaxing. We watched good movies, ate good food, and had a good time :) I got a new camera, which I'm so excited about. I used my poor, old Canon until it fell apart, poor baby. I now have a Canon Rebel T3! It's amazing, and takes great photos. I'm a huge fan! I can't wait to take it to THE BEACH! and to Allison's graduation!

We also took the doggies to the park, and they were very popular with a group of children there. They had a lovely time on their walk, had a great time at the park, and then had a "let's lay down on the floor and pant really loudly" party in the living room, poor pups. Here they are :)